Example sentences of "could [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Balliol was already down a back stair , he could mingle with this crowd of panic-stricken servants and nowise stand out , in his shirt and breeches , since others were in approximately the same state .
2 not really feeling the need for a conversation , wishing only that I could stay on this bench with him forever .
3 Similarly , we get 12 ! =479001 600 and 22=4096 for the edges and a total of 8 ! 3 8 12 ! 2 12 =519 024 039 293 878 272 000 patterns which one could construct in this way .
4 There are various complaints one could make about this division , most of which are justified .
5 What further activities could arise from this exercise ?
6 This combination is almost certainly not the only combination that could invade in this kind of way .
7 If ear could unfold from this strata
8 My husband was right that nothing could exist on this planet .
9 Yet , in a somewhat art-y place like Freud 's which recently displayed the photographic work of Jane Ralley , the solitary wild-eyed scribbler was not too out of place ; but then , judging by the subject of half of the photographs in the show , the owner could count on this crowd to retain its sophisticated bonhomie in the face of far more deliberate provocation .
10 As such it might characterise mainstream political science — the bulk of the contributions to the major political science journals , for example , could fall into this category .
11 I could not understand how anyone could act as this man did towards another human being suffering as I then was .
12 If you think you could qualify for this allowance or need more information of help in filling in the forms , contact the bureau .
13 Because it is written at first-year undergraduate level , many students could profit from this volume .
14 The Tories could profit from this switch of allegiance and , with the opposition vote split , Mr Forsyth could get home .
15 do you think that maybe they could benefit from this idea that you 've been talking about today ?
16 What I would hope that we could achieve in this country is more through erm opportunities for disabled people , greater opportunities for disabled people to gain access into work and as my honourable friend knows , we have put forward some proposals we 're presently considering the position following the representations that have been made to us after the er new access to work scheme was announced and I hope to make an announcement on that aspect shortly .
17 ‘ We very much want to trace the driver of that vehicle because they might hold vital information which could result in this robbery being solved , ’ added the spokesman .
18 Agnes wondered if the dog 's powerful voice could contribute to this discomfort , but thought it wiser to remain silent .
19 We have spent a lot of time developing a methodology that could contribute to this process .
20 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
21 The only thing you could do to this programme is
22 Come on ; you look as if you could do with this coffee . ’
23 There was nothing more we could do at this stage , so we enjoyed a leisurely lunch , and Sunday was cancelled ( which was fortunate , as it rained ) .
24 He thought he had probably broken it , but there was little he could do at this time of night .
25 Well , there was n't much Maureen could do about this injury , but the wound did heal up nicely and she cared for the bird for over a year .
26 ‘ I 'm tryin' to work out in my mind what we could do in this district if a general rebellion should break out . ’
27 I 'd be grateful if you could look into this matter and I shall see that the phone number of the County Transport Enquiry Line is displayed in the village .
28 Er , it was the best word that I felt I could use at this time , it may be that a , if a debate ensues from this , or from er , other er , writings about , of myself and other people over this next few months , that a term will emerge that people feel happy with , but certainly we are talking about community partnership .
29 To win a prize send in your captions as well as any photographs you think could feature in this section to : Dogs Today
30 To win a prize , send in your captions , as well as any photos you think could feature in this section , to : Dogs Today , February Caption Competition , 10 Sheet St , Windsor , Berks , SL4 1BG .
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