Example sentences of "could [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If Dad is a war movie buff you could treat him to the classic Bridge Over The River Kwai .
2 I 'm not sure sure how we could build it into the criteria of But it 's it 's a point which would obviously have to be borne in mind in terms of the str you know , the planning process .
3 A cell awaited her , and certain death — unless she could throw herself on the Queen 's mercy .
4 but even then we could have consignment stock here in effect cos they 're only forty minutes away , we could throw 'em in the back of the car and have 'em delivered .
5 ‘ You could throw someone off the Stoney Creek bridge — that 's a high curved bridge over Roger 's Pass .
6 The treatment can offset some effects of menopause , including brittle bone disease — osteoporosis — but the study reveals that the wrong kind of HRT could expose them to the risk of womb cancer .
7 Hard though he tried , Floyd could make nothing of the inward half and Couples , having gone to the front with a birdie at the ninth , was never caught again .
8 His opening 76 in reality had been his practice round because of his late arrival , and he could make nothing of the greens in his outward 36 yesterday , starting at the tenth .
9 All the Brownies agreed , and so Beegee promised to see what she could do about getting old-fashioned uniforms or photographs of them so that mothers could make them in the style of earlier days .
10 She was Labour , she said , but was n't sure she could make it to the polls .
11 ‘ You could make it to the end now , and I 'll tell old Sam you 've done a length . ’
12 With fifteen laps to go , the race was his : if he could make it to the end .
13 She sincerely hoped that she could make it to the track before any car came because she knew exactly what a mess she looked .
14 Leonora watched him go with mixed feelings , not really sure she could make it to the bathroom alone , despite her fine words .
15 If we could make it through the torrent to the bend ahead …
16 ‘ That was when I knew he could make it in the bigtime , ’ he says .
17 That you could make it in the movies with no boobs to speak of was , until recently , an alien notion .
18 If he sets his mind to it he could make it in the cross-channel game , ’ says Scottish goal scoring ace Derek Cook , who himself will pose a considerable threat to Ards .
19 And in Edinburgh the appearance of It at the still-functioning Paperback Shop renewed the link with Haynes for people like Lloyd , who could regard themselves as the Americans ' ambassadors in the north .
20 Erm , clearly we 've got enough op , it would seem that if we could recruit somebody for the rest of this year , and er which would help us get our times down , if in if in fact we were able to recruit somebody who was instantly productive , which is not all that likely .
21 The all-alloy 24-valve twin-cam engine is described by Cosworth as being of the ‘ high-efficiency ’ type , and follows the ‘ modular ’ theory — meaning that the basic design could suit anything from the three-cylinder unit to a V12 .
22 At my mother 's I could dry it in the garden .
23 a derivative of it , which gave you the same high that ecstasy does and er , and if you did n't it from the doctor you could buy it on the street .
24 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
25 ‘ My office sought to arrange an interview with the Secretary of State for Employment so I could brief her on the situation .
26 Now , the reason we particularly were interested in this was that from the questionnaire we already were beginning to get back some information , and we discovered that eighty-six percent of people had seen their G P in the previous year , and maybe if we could introduce them to the age-well project at some point during that contact , we would be able to achieve something .
27 This chapter examines reasons for using video in language teaching and considers when and how we could introduce it into the syllabus and into the lesson .
28 There was no danger now , he could enjoy it to the full .
29 They referred to his dependency upon the Black vote ( as though the Democratic Party itself could win anything without the Black vote , and as though Alaska and Vermont were strongholds of Black populations rather than white snow ) .
30 We could hang them on the walls .
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