Example sentences of "year [adv] [be] [not/n't] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The clearances of thirty years ago are not forgotten .
2 erm Indeed one of the sad things perhaps at the lowest level is how many jobs are requiring mathematical skills that , that perhaps twenty years ago were n't assumed .
3 The media commentator Michael Leapman , writing in the Independent on Sunday , observed that ‘ she has not usually done well in other roles … her Panorama programme on TV violence a few years ago was not judged a critical success . ’
4 While Miles and Gregory have still to decide whether to stay with Wigan for another season , the continuing dominance of a club which only 10 years ago was not considered to have one player good enough to start the series against Australia , is almost total .
5 Just as stagebound as anything produced before 1939 is When We Are Married ( 1943 ) , in which three middle-aged couples are thrown into a frenzy upon discovering that the parson who married them all those years ago was n't qualified to do so .
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