Example sentences of "well [subord] [pron] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 People who had gone overseas had probably made a wise choice and were likely to be doing better than they could have done at home , so the government felt it had done enough for them already .
2 The silk was of the first order , better than one could obtain nowadays , and had kept in good condition over the years .
3 Much better than I could have been in the role .
4 For one thing , it paid better than she could believe , and for another the work seemed to be something she could really get her teeth into .
5 In terms of which you better if we could do that erm , if we could do that .
6 I said to Fish the film has a message for the trade unions as well if they could find it and he said he 'd keep looking .
7 Well if we could send that with the amenities and perhaps if they 've got any , we ca n't say that er , I view this as very much , we 've , we 've got a platform here .
8 Well if you could spare us a few moments , we 'd be most grateful , your , it 's for a new series we 're contemplating , A Day in the Afterlife .
9 Cos well if you could have the kids you know !
10 If , if er if you were on a case er well if you could get out for a , for an hour in the afternoon for a walk , but that was about all .
11 Well if I could refer you , ma'am , to my paragraph three point seven of my supplementary statement , erm I do indicate there erm that the factors which make me believe that a location in this sector or these three sectors erm is a better one in far , as far as employment is concerned .
12 Had to be paid , it ca n't be paid by the twenty eighth it 's er you know well if I could 've got hold of David or er , Andrew , I was gon na give Andrew a right bollocking for just pushing it in and he should 've sent it to er , Michael , Michael 's just got it shoved in front of his nose a in Edinburgh .
13 Well if I could choose I would go to bed at about two o'clock in the morning and get up at about ten o'clock in the morning .
14 Well if I could have a bungalow the same as I' ve got now I would n't care .
15 Well if I could dig a hole in the garden we could get rid of some of that stuff .
16 But the generals could not afford to wait , and started work well before they could get any useful political guidance .
17 The little one 's heard Mummy pull up on the drive and has come down the stairs well before anyone could say anything he got it out .
18 Well when you could do with it most
19 She returned Travis 's kiss warmly , then bent as well as she could to hug Jonas .
20 He was driving fast but safely and , Agnes noted , not as well as she could have done .
21 His confinement was not over-rigorous , as ‘ the worthy jailer Smith ’ took him out for a walk while he was there ; and by 30th August he was back at home in Ambleside , having found Anne and the children as well as he could expect .
22 There are certain inconsistencies in Leandre 's story , but he was obviously describing what he had experienced as well as he could remember it .
23 This suited me very well as I could stay with her , only two miles down the A1 , as part of my annual leave at Chester .
24 I started drawing them as well as I could remember .
25 So , all things considered , I think I have done all right , handled my problem as well as it could have been handled .
26 " As well as you could expect , I guess . "
27 André Previn has described Karajan as ‘ the great motivator ’ ; Ashkenazy has called him ‘ a great intuitive musician who communicates as well as anyone could imagine ’ .
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