Example sentences of "well [vb pp] and [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been much better publicised and early results have been encouraging .
2 By 1985 Greenpeace was better organised and French intelligence had learned that it was planning to send out to Moruroa its larger 42-ton Rainbow Warrior , together with the Vega , and then to launch a number of small boats in which its members would try to elude the French Navy and penetrate the test area .
3 It will be a world in which individuality is better respected and social consciousness is more mature .
4 Cameras in the Lords seemed to cause no great problems : perhaps some of their major debates were better attended and persistent viewers became aware of the varied quality of the contributions to debates .
5 The Commission claimed that only the top 4 per cent of EC cereal producers would lose income ( although this minority produced around 50 per cent of EC output ) , that consumers would benefit from lower prices , the environment would be better protected and global markets would not be distorted by EC surpluses .
6 Self selection bias — for example , because of better informed and motivated patients seeking advice from specialist clinics — can not be excluded from this study .
7 In addition to Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley 's well publicised and controversial statement that elder abuse was not a ‘ major problem ’ is the worrying view from junior health minister Tim Yeo who said last year : ‘ In a very small number of cases the carer can not cope and responds with violence . ’
8 Taking into account that the pump and heater is included in this price , I was pretty pleased with such a relatively-small outlay for what is a very well designed and competent filtration unit .
9 For some , Saturday and Sunday merged into one , but the rest of us managed some well earned and undisturbed sleep .
10 Absolute attention to fine design , quality of build , detailing and craftsmanship , plus a total commitment to our clients requirements , have , over 18 years given Alan Morgan Yachting a well earned and worthy pedigree .
11 Although the charges against Gay 's The Word were eventually dropped , Customs ' raids and seizures continue in smaller ways ; Gay 's The Word was able to win through because of its prestige as a well respected and established bookshop .
12 I 'm sure , then , that readers of Dogs Today will be as concerned as I am that a well respected and successful breed rescue charity looks set to collapse this year , unless they receive real help — financial and physical — immediately .
13 He and she had capacities for self-awareness , reflection and organisation through a well organised and complex language .
14 Give a well organised and sustained account of an event , a personal experience or an activity .
15 Vaughan was well educated and middle class , his father having been an engineer , his mother a talented musician .
16 An obviously desirable situation is for a country to have a sufficiency of well educated and trained teachers working for reasonable lengths of time in areas where they are familiar with the people and their culture .
17 Brush lightly with a little milk and bake at 220C/425F/Gas 7 for 12–15 minutes until well risen and golden brown on the bottom of the scones .
18 The one single factor which such discipline imposes and which decreases the danger of fire in any kind of warehouse is a clear indication of a well organized and controlled system .
19 The recruitment of ‘ mules ’ and CIs and their employment in a stepped-up programme of controlled deliveries down the pipeline offered little risk of embarrassment , provided the ‘ stings ’ were well organized and proper security precautions were observed .
20 A submission which contains sufficient , well prepared and relevant information in an attractive , well presented form , indicates a competent supplier .
21 Many congratulations on an extremely well presented and informative journal .
22 Well produced and excellent value for money , it has the professional look you would expect from crack North-East journalist Mike Amos . ’
23 By The Seat Of Your Pants by Hugh Morgan is a well researched and presented book on the experiences of volunteer wartime pilots who were posted overseas to undertake their flying training on such schemes as the Empire Training Scheme , the Arnold and the Towers Schemes .
24 By bringing together the academic faculty , researchers and practising managers the College has created an international research community capable of undertaking well founded and practical research .
25 A similar situation exists in some Latin American countries — for example , in Brazil , Argentina and Chile — where industrialization is well advanced and political life is now dominated by a struggle between classes , the outcome of which will decide whether their regimes remain autocratic , sometimes regressing into military and repressive forms , or become more democratic and eventually social democratic .
26 The picture-seller 's scourge of the moment , the Rembrandt Research Project , describes it as ‘ a very well preserved and authentic work , reliably signed and dated 1633 ’ .
27 The weather is so unpredictable that only those who are well equipped and experienced walkers should attempt the high tops .
28 ‘ The works are provided with a very well equipped and up-to-date fire station and appliances .
29 The drug is a well tolerated and suitable therapy for a large number of systemic infections .
30 Yet one only needs to travel in the town on Saturdays to see well clothed and healthy children and upstanding young men and women , to realise that the people of this country are better off than they have ever been .
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