Example sentences of "well [pers pn] had [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well i had no idea .
2 Well I had no idea of course .
3 Well I had no intention of having a project but I got very steamed up about conservation generally , particularly with my time with the Sussex Trust for Nature Conservation , where I learnt so much , and erm I felt I wanted to do something actively concerned with it myself .
4 well I had a Triumph Herald once upon a time , everything with that was bolted on
5 So she said I 'll do I 'll sort it out straight away for you well I had a phone call at
6 Well I had a phone call , well it was there on Tuesday they asked me , they asked Fred asked me to ring back Wednesday morning so she rang me
7 Well I had a go at it and it , well knowing
8 Well I had a look and I could n't see anything .
9 Well I had a colleague in Canada who 's a very close friend of mind , and erm I knew that he had actually done some radio astronomy .
10 Well I had a Fiesta , I 've got a Volvo
11 Well I had a hysterectomy when I was forty nine and to me life really did begin at fifty !
12 Er you ca n't imagine this I do n't suppose , but nevertheless it 's true and in a time , the men in the shop they was mass-production , you know what I mean and they wanted this or that or the other , well I had the authority to go down the machine shop and tell them , look here , so and so wants this you do that .
13 Well I had the chair here did n't I ?
14 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
15 Only I just turned into grocery because you could n't get fruit , when you want Well you had a bit but not much .
16 Well you had a rise as well .
17 Well you had a loss .
18 well you had the advantage of inside information , I 'm talking about the ordinary punter , if you forgive the expression , the ordinary customer you realize do n't you that there 's no clue in that sentence that management charges is limited to a small element of the six pounds thirty five
19 Oh yeah well we had a blanket on an'all and we took that off
20 well we had a parents ' meeting on Monday night , but I did n't realize there was one
21 Er well we had a camp , the Youth Communist League had a camp down at er a place called Lamley Dumbles , that was er that was not far er not far from Colliery .
22 Well we had a secretary of state here who is now minister of transport , I do hope he 's watching this programme seeing as I promised we have had gains and proposals .
23 Well we had a piano actually , we got it for Doreen and Doreen she started to learn , she went to Mr .
24 Well we had a meeting every week , a a union meeting , every week .
25 And er I was too o old for call-up at the beginning of the war , well we had a car so er we were asked , anyone that had a car to volunteer for er A R P services you see ?
26 Well we got married in nineteen forty one and I lived first of all in Sussex where erm my mother was living because my husband went into the Air Force and he was erm away for five years , well we had a lot of bombing in the early part of the war in Sussex and my father eventually came here to Harlow thinking we were getting away from it and of course we came right into the V er what was it ?
27 Well we had a lot to do did n't we ?
28 Well we had no work for them did we ?
29 Oh well we had no feelings about it because I really was n't an Old Harlow person , nor was my husband and all that we could think about it was that it would be very good for the area , it would erm , bring work and employment and everything like that , but of course Old Harlow people were very , you know , a lot of them were very against it and yet , in the end , the Harlow High Street shops was , made a fortune in those first few years , you know , when there was nothing else and the , the Old Harlow High Street was n't of course paved over in those days , anything like that and it , it was a narrow , narrow high street , it was almost like taking your life in your hands walking down there because there were crowds of people obviously with all this influx of community and they er the main Chelmsford road used to come up through there , so it was a , a hell , sort of a traffic hazard really .
30 But the Strike was , well we had the pit ponies up , and er we always used to go and feed them , and then we went , of course , to chapel for meals .
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