Example sentences of "well [conj] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But they realise that a partnership government would be better than a Labour government , and much better than a minority government of either party . ’
2 He was led to believe that he would receive better than a university education with Mr. Wickstead as his personal tutor .
3 Lasers run at 300 dots per inch , about four times better than a matrix printer .
4 Better than a Sunday dinner , that was . ’
5 The dishes below are filling and delicious , while at the same time ‘ good for you ’ — far better than a chocolate bar or sweet biscuits .
6 First published in 1962 and now in its 4th edition ( 1980 ) , this fulfils a role as a reference text rather better than a student text , in that it has hundreds of references but no problems .
7 Better than a bull fight .
8 The 15-year-old Eastbourne School fourth former , whose athletic talents were first recognised by PE teacher Simon Hanniford , won the youths 3,000 metres in 9 mins 9.3 secs 10.7 secs better than a BAF grade two standard beating second placed Gregg Scott , of North Shields Polytechnic , by 53 seconds .
9 Persson ( 1977 ) , for example , argues that for single emission sources and small industrial areas with good atmospheric dispersion , emission standards and requirements on stack heights based on best practicable means will guarantee an air quality better than the air quality standard .
10 AZT was approved in the United States in 1987 for use after symptoms of AIDS have appeared , after a controlled trial was brought prematurely to an end when it emerged that the treated group was doing better than the placebo groups .
11 It has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside , which you can connect to your PC 's sound card — much better than the Walkman speakers I normally hook up .
12 Better than the Mission Hall , ’ Frankie said .
13 His brilliant shot-making erased the Hope Classic record by four strokes and his total was also four shots better than the US Tour record for bettering par .
14 In the 12 periods analysed in the published articles , the portfolio ( theoretical or actual ) has done better than the UK stock market on nine occasions and worse on three occasions .
15 Three out of four independent economic forecasting bodies expected the Scottish economy to perform better than the UK economy both last year and this year .
16 Our members wanted it and in many industries it makes sense , but the bigger task , the main event , is to see whether by a more formal relationship , a more formal partnership , we can build a union which is better than the T & G , better than the G M B and better suited for modern conditions than any trade union so far created in Britain .
17 Phil said : ‘ Recent monitoring shows that a further gradual improvement is taking place , with the level for 1990 recorded at 0.2 ppm — substantially better than the EC standard of 0.3 .
18 Italy could also perform better than the EC average of 3% as could Spain — with the admitted advantage of starting from a smaller base .
19 In spite of Strathclyde 's size , covering half of Scotland and serving 2.3 million people , Mr McNulty said local committees would guarantee accountability and reflect local loyalties better than the council structure proposed by the Scottish Office .
20 Our family and friends think it is very good and a lot better than the Aussie soaps .
21 Its profitable career showed that it was doing better than the trading companies launched in Charles 's reign .
22 These are relatively cheap , the games come on easy-to-load cartridges and are , on average , better than the home computer versions .
23 Although a number of schools offer good healthy food , some school meals are often fatty , sugary and low in fibre — sometimes not much better than the food children eat at home .
24 The Bookshop also suffered from the recession in 1992 , but fared better than the book trade generally .
25 On a purely practical basis , the paintings in this instance work better than the camera lens .
26 The subsidiary company did better than the Virginia Company , kept going for another sixty years , and in the 1640s provided most of the settlers who moved on to the Bahamas .
27 Export growth over the same period has shown an increase of only 36 per cent which , although better than the world average growth of 28 per cent , is clearly not sufficient to cover the large increase in import demand .
28 The ANDF version of SVR4 performed slightly better than the Unix code generated by a native C compiler , Praxis claims .
29 For desserts and digestifs where better than the Christ Church Picture Gallery , Canterbury Gate & Oriel Square where a selection of the College 's renowned collection of Old Master drawings will be on view .
30 In restaurants — his tastes were no more sophisticated now than before , but occasionally he would do better than the Corner House — he would still order at the top of his voice , still hoping to be recognized .
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