Example sentences of "well [conj] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Reading around for background to Shakespeare is valuable , and you ca n't do better than begin with the Harley Granville Barker 's Prefaces to Shakespeare , which analyse the plays from both a scholarly and dramatic angle , without being ponderously academic .
2 Or , if they did , they knew better than to remonstrate with the grim-faced man behind her .
3 well that goes with the numbers .
4 As well as dealing with the punch , the rising block travels diagonally up and forwards into the opponent , catching him high on the attacking arm .
5 The Bank of England as well as dealing with the discount houses , now also deals with the other firms or ‘ dealing counterparts ’ on this market .
6 As well as dealing with the damage to the gallery , he 's determined to go ahead with the biography .
7 De Niro , in his funniest performance since Rupert King Of Comedy Pupkin plays a small-time New York lawyer keen to be someone , to make his mark by taking on the local crime boss/boxing promoter as well as tangling with the local barman 's wife played by Cape Fear co star Jessica Lange .
8 The Ryúkyús were an autonomous kingdom , but during the Tokugawa period their king had paid regular tribute to China as well as trading with the lord of Satsuma domain in southern Kyushu , who treated the Ryúkyúan king as a vassal .
9 It appears that all this time I too was working flat out , because , in addition to a heavy load of teaching , I was writing articles right and left , as well as tinkering with the political book .
10 Jane Duff comments : ‘ Once again the Undercroft team provided back-up for all the other workers , as well as coping with the large numbers of the public .
11 As well as working with the elderly person , it will be important to work with family members , so that the impact of recent changes is recognised throughout the family system , and all are engaged in working together towards accommodating those changes and losses .
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