Example sentences of "well [conj] [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Employment prospects were also at least as good and in some cases slightly better than for school leaver entrants .
2 In the basal condition as well as under pentagastrin infusion choline outputs remained below 10 µmol/hr ( mean=1.5 ( 0.8 ) and 4 ( 2 ) µmol/h , respectively ) .
3 He would have been able to look at Bracton and the medieval law as well as at Lord Castlehaven 's case .
4 At that time women were still employed underground in Cumberland filling the baskets as well as at surface tasks , while the wives of Staffordshire pitmen were said seldom to " do more than attend to the necessary calls of the Family " except for helping with the harvest .
5 In 1858 he was declared bankrupt , his departure bringing to a close the clothmaking chapter in the life of Brookhouse , as well as at Kings Mill .
6 The new Act will not lay down time specifications , but there is little doubt that the national testing procedures will act as a heavy constraint on time allocations made in schools , potentially to the detriment of optional/additional subjects as well as on foundation subjects which will not be the subject of national testing — the arts , religious education and physical education .
7 ( 1980 ) concluded that climatology must systematically investigate the exchanges of heat , water and momentum that occur at or near the earth 's surface and should focus upon topoclimatology as well as on transfer processes .
8 Now 13 , Sherine , a petite size eight , gets inspiration from country walks around her home in King 's Langley , Hertfordshire , as well as on family holidays in Devon .
9 Hounslow ( 1979 ) gave a method for staining these minerals , useful in the field as well as on drill cores , soil samples , slabs and sections .
10 Denmark wanted a tax on CFCs as well as on carbon dioxide .
11 In a report in The Times of Aug. 28 it was confirmed that police had filed criminal charges against Bhutto 's husband , Asif Ali Zardari , on grounds of illegal possession of arms , as well as on corruption charges .
12 As we have already stated , it may be possible to use completed documents directly as input to a data dictionary system so that the data is held in a readily-accessible computer format as well as on paper forms .
13 The meeting also received reports on the peace processes in Angola and Mozambique , as well as on Walvis Bay , the port enclave within Namibian territory which was still in South African hands .
14 The 1983 Finance Act , however , permitted societies to issue certificates of deposit ( CDs ) for sums in excess of 50,000 and to pay interest gross on these as well as on time deposits of over 50,000 .
15 Although termed an unofficial private visit , Botha met with his then counterpart Boris Pankin as well as with Eduard Shevardnadze ( reappointed on Nov. 19 in place of Pankin as Soviet Foreign Minister ) .
16 However , I also linked wealth with being selfish , greedy , materialistic , hard-hearted , snobbish , and dull — as well as with childhood images from the Bible about camels and the eye of a needle !
17 The proposal that concentrations of calcium and magnesium correlate with each other as well as with proton concentrations was examined .
18 In the months that followed , de Gaulle pressed ahead with his self-determination policy and explored various openings for negotiation with the GPRA , as well as with FLN leaders from inside Algeria .
19 During the use of such programs , the user becomes familiar with the layout of the keyboard and typing in information , as well as with search program commands .
20 Bagnold 's idea about the wave length being controlled by the characteristic grain path has been disputed and it has been suggested that the wave length may be linked with ripple height , in which grain size is important , as well as with wind strength .
21 The research has practical implications for the training and working practices of teachers , doctors , nurses , social workers and the caring professions in general , as well as for decision research , business management , and various types of administration .
22 Where the Healey is a fairly civilised blend of high-speed tourer and sporting pedigree , comfortable enough for long-distance continental holidays as well as for Sunday afternoon thrashes through the countryside , the Cobra is just a beast .
23 ft. building was erected for the machinists and cutters as well as for garment distribution .
24 Evidence for tissue specific , copy-dependent , position-independent expression has been shown mainly in cross-species transgenics ; such as , human β-globin ( 14,15,48 ) , CD2 ( 49 ) , α-globin ( 50 ) , and class I HLA-B7 ( 51,52 ) genes as well as for chicken lysozyme ( 53 ) , although absolute correlation between expression , tissue distribution and copy number has not been seen in all cases .
25 There is also wide support for the mixed economy — a private enterprise economy , subject to government controls — as well as for state provision of welfare services .
26 The suspended sentences are as follows : one month for Antonio Paolucci , the Florentine Soprintendente and two months for his deputy , Paolo Mazzoni , as well as for Francesco Sisinni , Director-General at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage , Emma Micheletti , a Ministry inspector who has now tended her resignation , Angelo Cavani , the former Soprintendente for the architectural heritage and Paolo d'Elia , chief engineer of Florence City Council .
27 There are areas for sleep ( bunk beds ) , leisure ( easy chairs ) , and eating ( table and dining chairs ) as well as for food preparation and washing up .
28 Fulcrum Technologies Inc , Ottawa , Canada reckons that it has the industry 's first suite of SQL-based tools that enable corporate information professionals to access text information and make it available throughout an organisation for use as a strategic resource : Fulcrum says SearchTools offer the first means by which corporate developers , working within an open client-server environment , can build text-retrieval applications for accessing large text applications and give them a way to integrate text-intensive data into existing corporate information management , image or database systems ; the tools feature an applications programming interface based on the SQL Access Group 's Call Level Interface ; the tools will initially be available for Microsoft Corp Visual Basic and Windows developers , as well as for C developers working in other environments , such as OS/2 and Unix ; initial Unix support will be under AIX/6000 , HP-UX and Solaris ; the SearchTools development kit starts at $7,500 per copy and the indexing and retrieval component , SearchServer , will be from $1,000 per user .
29 Finally , there is a growing consensus ( epitomised by the Clothier committee report ) that it is ethical to use gene therapy in a variety of somatic ways , but not in gametes or embryos , and indeed that gene therapy may provide a new general enabling technology for protein and drug delivery as well as for gene therapy through the entry of normal genes .
30 For her organisation , as well as for SOS Racisme , the mass movement of young French of immigrant descent , this debate hides another agenda .
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