Example sentences of "well [conj] [verb] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Well that makes sense but we ca n't be sure what the interest rate would be .
2 It wished the young couple well and sent love and congratulations from her family and friends .
3 The event , in which children sold handicrafts , secondhand toys and other items , as well as organising games and other stalls , was combined with a mufti day with a difference .
4 As well as organising conferences and courses the group also helped set up a national awards scheme and backed a number of arts publications .
5 Law personally conducted the negotiations with Gardner Sinclair over the sale of the Observer and the Pall Mall Gazette in 1914 ; this negotiation also demonstrates that , as well as producing information and nursing editors , the party had to work hard to keep some of the newspapers in business .
6 There is often considerable vocabulary used amongst a group of children engrossed in their threading activities which incorporates ideas of growth in length as well as naming colours and shapes of individual beads .
7 It may seem at times that there is little common ground between the two generations , but if a parent is patient and ready to take an interest , and to listen as well as to give advice or pass criticism , there is plenty to talk about and share together .
8 As well as discussing experiences and problems in handling microcomputers , the group looked at programs available and experimented with using them in a variety of ways .
9 However , this will involve repositioning skirtings and built-in furniture , as well as shortening doors and so on .
10 Craft and social groups help to structure a patient 's day , improving orientation , which is further reinforced by staff use of reality orientation , while reminiscence packs help to improve concentration , encourage communication and increase self-esteem as well as providing fun and enjoyment !
11 As well as providing help and advice , and gathering the views of centre staff , 's role is to identify good practice in the development of general SVQ and Skillstart programmes .
12 At least they were n't specifically sarky about the Liverpool connection which , as well as providing music and lyrics , also helped out with advice to the islanders on how to gamble with their fortune .
13 It is now obligatory to pay the devil a share of the fees ( usually half ) and the work therefore helps one 's livelihood , as well as providing experience and ( sometimes ) bringing one to the notice of the professional client .
14 In return , Lynwood will be the UK distributor for Cail Systems ' range of colour stations as well as providing maintenance and support to UK users .
15 Trees and shrubs with unusual variegated leaves form the back-bone of Barbara and Neil Doughty 's small garden in the West Midlands , as well as providing interest and colour all year round .
16 User-awareness — familiarity with young people 's tastes in such things as TV viewing , music , clothes and make-up , and leisure activities , as well as reading tastes and habits .
17 It can provide a young person with a good understanding of what work is like and what a particular career can offer as well as bringing confidence and enhancing their personal aspirations .
18 The creative department is usually run by a creative director who is , ideally , a working director , performing primarily either a copy or an art function within a team , as well as setting standards and providing guidance and inspiration to the rest of the department .
19 HCIMA is an international body ; part of an international industry with strong representation in Europe with access to the European Parliament , as well as influencing hospitality and tourism throughout the world via our spread of members in over 90 countries and 16 international groups .
20 As well as suggesting disease and contamination with the word ‘ spotty ’ , Milton tries to put across the idea that the mighty size and grandeur of the moon , like that of Satan , will be reduced when it comes under human comprehension .
21 DEC says its aim is to implement ECMA with its own products as well as merging US and European standards .
22 As a graphical design tool , ezX 3.2 features colour image editor , WYSIWYG functions , integrated resource editor — which controls the attributes of Motif widgets — as well as replacing widget or re-parenting widgets capabilities in a drag and drop format .
23 Indeed , many industrialised nations today , as well as importing wood and wood products from other developed nations , rely to an extent on timber which is imported from the developing world .
24 The heat could be used by industry , as well as to heat homes and greenhouses .
25 As well as running workshops and training events in different parts of the country to help individuals and couples plan constructively for the future , it also offers one-to-one counselling advice to those thinking of embarking on a new career .
26 As well as staging concerts and cabaret the venue could also play host to conferences and banquets .
27 There was less of a problem when individual benefactors like Lord Sainsbury , Jean Hoare ( a cousin of Sir Samuel Hoare ) and the Reverend Alan Bateman , provost of Coventry Cathedral , set up their own lines of communication , dealing directly with families who wanted to send their children over to Britain , as well as arranging travel and acting as guarantors .
28 As well as joining McCallum and Troubleshooters at Visions , Billingham on June 4 , Headland play at Humphrey 's in Darlington on May 31 .
29 As well as investigating lists and potential backers , consider if there are way in which you could instigate a residency which would match your particular skills and expectations to the benefits , tangible or otherwise , for a particular firm or organisation .
30 This meant she had to help patients with personal hygiene , dressing and un-dressing them , and assisting in feeding them ; she also got involved in weighing patients , taking samples and temperatures , and helping prepare patients for operations as well as making snacks and beds .
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