Example sentences of "well [verb] [conj] in the " in BNC.

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1 Nowhere is this tension better demonstrated than in the provision of the British system of social services .
2 Petipa 's suggestion that beats can add brilliance to the dance is nowhere better exemplified than in the brisés voiés and temps depoisson of the Bluebird 's solo in The Sleeping Beauty and other male solos from ballets by Bournonville .
3 This is nowhere better exemplified than in the treatment that some consultants in the NHS offered those who had to visit them as out-patients .
4 Is the technology which reaches the defence sector better utilised than in the civil economy ?
5 Marx 's and Engels 's position is always something of a balancing act between idealism and crude or ‘ vulgar ’ materialism and this is nowhere better illustrated than in The German Ideology and the Theses on Feuerbach .
6 Particularly when contrasted with the grindingly abrasive and ultimately polishing actions of ice , sea , wind and rain : nowhere better illustrated than in the works of Henry Moore .
7 For the Celts , female nudity held a very powerful magical significance , and this is nowhere better illustrated than in the Irish saga of the great semi-divine hero , Cú Chulainn .
8 This is nowhere better illustrated than in the case we used for our basic illustration of good design itself — echolocation .
9 And where better to settle than in the richest and nearest capitalist paradise ?
10 Much has been written about Griffith and his contribution to the movies but the ingredients that made up his genius have never been better identified than in the review Heywood Broun wrote of Intolerance when it appeared in 1916 .
11 The fond feelings of the Indian people for the Cobra are perhaps nowhere better expressed than in the words of Sarojini Naidu , an Indian poetess .
12 And anyone who has controlled a a household budget , will well understand that in the present sort of climate , that is the real world outside this County Council .
13 Last August I walked the entire towpath from Greywell to New Haw , and can report it is in good condition throughout , is very well used except in the most rural parts , and is maintained regularly by the canal authority .
14 The English love affair with Tuscany is so well known that in the last century hotel porters in Siena called all foreigners English , even if they were German or Russian .
15 It is well known that in the Constituent Assembly , only the women are valiantly defending our sovereignty and protesting against foreign intervention …
16 It is well established that in the delinquent-prone , home discipline is more liable to be too lax , strict or erratic .
17 It is well established that in the ultimate the right of the individual is paramount .
18 However , once well established as in the three-year-old toddler , Stages and 4 slow wave sleep occupy about three sleeping hours , reducing with age in the same way as REM sleep .
19 It 's obviously a show , and I mean you could well imagine that in the old days you need horses were really used to do a full day 's work , they did n't have quite such er nice clean tack a as these ones .
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