Example sentences of "then she [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Then she realised why the meeting had dragged on , when the matter under discussion could have been finalised in ten minutes : it was the morning 's work .
2 Later , in the chapel adjoining the castle , Father Jerome said Benediction and prayed for Sara and the life that lay before her ; and then she went up the narrow staircase to her bed and , when Candida had helped her to undress , stood a while longer at her window , looking through the narrow slit at the lights in the harbour and the dark , massive mountains behind .
3 Then she went down the branch line to Port Penrhyn .
4 Then she ran down the post to the ground below .
5 She had to blink back her tears before she opened the front door , and then she ran down the short tiled path , and , throwing back her shoulders and digging her hands into her pockets , strode down to the parade .
6 Then she folded back the top of the shift .
7 Then she took up the cloth , worked at the edge a moment and tore it neatly along the weave .
8 Then she took up the discarded tray and looked back at him where he stood now , leaning against the wall between the French windows , his silver flask of brandy open as he sipped defiantly , watching her with a black scowl on his face .
9 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
10 Then she switched on the indicator .
11 Then she let out the breath and sagged against the desk .
12 She waited until he had passed through the door that led to the stairs ; then she covered up the trays of now cooling toffee , put a saucer of milk down for the cat , stroked the animal 's purring head , saying the while , ‘ Now you get to work , Flotsie , and put your score up tonight , ’ then she went out , and locked the door .
13 Then she put down the hairbrush and inspected her countenance .
14 She stared uneasily at the envelope , at the black , firm hand , at the French stamp , and then she put out the light and went to bed .
15 Puzzled at first , she turned every page , then she held up the book by its spine and let the pages flutter ; no sheet of paper fell out .
16 Then she gave up the struggle and dropped on her knees beside Debbie .
17 Then she snuffed out the light , and waited for a moment , getting her owl-vision .
18 Then she picked up the book of ‘ psychological correspondences ’ again and began with difficulty to read the letters .
19 Then she picked up the wicker bird cage and took it to the sill .
20 Then she picked up the dirty washing and went to the door .
21 Then she picked up the letter with the neatly typed address .
22 Then she picked up the tall glass she had carried down with her , and which was now empty , walked sedately to the water 's edge , filled it with ice-cold water and returned to see that he had not shifted .
23 She waited until she heard the outer door close , then she picked up the receiver .
24 Ellen held her happy smile till the courtesy taxi had disappeared , then she tore up the proctologist 's business card .
25 Then she tore up the sheet .
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