Example sentences of "then he [vb past] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For a moment Robert thought she might have had her feet bound , and then he realized that her problem was simply that her face-mask was now so in line with Islamic law that her field of vision was only about six inches to the left and right of her .
2 This quiet group of people looked so simple and unassuming that at first he could not think what made them interesting to him , and then he realized that they gave every appearance of complete sincerity .
3 He felt annoyed at first but then he realized that he was running far better than he had been the previous day and that he was n't even trying .
4 Then he saw that everything was good .
5 Then he saw that its nose had sunk a couple of degrees , and it was gradually pulling away .
6 Then he saw that his exit had begun to narrow .
7 Then he saw that his fare was asleep .
8 Then he saw that he was looking at the puzzled , desperate face of Ho Chan .
9 But then he saw that he could not afford to believe her , because if he did he would allow her a tactical advantage , a small victory that should lead to greater ones .
10 A b on on one day he he went earlier and he had his lunch in London , he said , and there was another man on the table and er the both reached for the salt together and upset it and there was apologies and talks and then he discovered that he was the buyer for the London County Council .
11 Then he said that he was going to meet Jack and talk things over .
12 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
13 Then he added that it ‘ is formally myself , Dr Reid and Mrs W ’ .
14 ‘ I have never seen Soho on the screen , ’ wrote Ernest Betts in 1928 and then he added that he had never seen Southend , Birmingham , Chelsea , Bloomsbury , or London suburbia either .
15 Oliver wondered why the old man lived in such an old , dirty place , when he had so many watches , but then he thought that it must cost Fagin a lot of money to look after the Dodger and the other boys .
16 And then he knew that he was entitled to hope .
17 He could hardly believe his eyes and it was then he knew that he was unable to rely on his sensory feelings ( the kinaesthetic sense ) .
18 Then he knew that he had taken the wrong path .
19 Then he knew that he was looking at Ralf Isambard , lord of Mormesnil , Erington , Fleace and Parfois .
20 Then he realised that they were referring to their own attack on him .
21 Then he realised that they were presumably so poor that even a choice of cornflakes or lumpy porridge , along with underdone toast and margarine , had the overwhelming attraction of being free .
22 Then he realised that there was no chance of finding the hand-pump .
23 Then he realised that his music was being drowned by the noise of the conflagration .
24 Then he realised that she had n't recognised the slap of the rifle .
25 Then he understood that she was not going to help him , because she wanted him to make the choice .
26 Then he recognised that her eyes had strayed to the food , glistening a little .
27 Then he learnt that she was the man 's daughter , and frivolous thoughts were swept away on a tide of sympathy .
28 On returning to London he found the entry lock to his block of flats had been changed to keep out squatters from a neighbouring residence , forcing him to wait outside with his suitcases and ‘ coffin ’ for hours , and then he learnt that his house in Worcester had been vandalised by his tenant .
29 Then he noticed that there was a key already in the lock .
30 Then he noticed that there was an envelope on his makeup table .
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