Example sentences of "then [vb infin] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Post Office will then restrict delivery of leaflets to these specific target locations .
2 The stimuli which the cell receives from the matrix can then initiate changes in gene expression with temporally related changes in cell structure which result directly from the same signals or are determined by concomitant but separate cell-matrix interaction .
3 The theory behind such a scheme — which can better be called ‘ market socialism ’ than ‘ privatisation ’ — is that the managers could then buy services from producers who offered the best value .
4 He also stressed that : ‘ The theory behind such a scheme — which can better be called ‘ market socialism ’ than ‘ privatisation ’ — is that the managers could then buy services from producers who offered the best value' ( Enthoven , 1985b ) .
5 They can then seek advice on courses , career prospects , etc , from staff of the different departments .
6 Banks would then divert assets from advances to call money , which would create a shortage of money for advances and drive up their rate of interest .
7 Your dog can then watch events without fear of being trodden on and hurt by passers-by .
8 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
9 Having created confusion , they can then give advice in order to control the sale .
10 The program will then calculate Vdb for CorrectNewPos , and discover that the opponent 's evaluation of it is more accurate than its original static value .
11 It is assumed that Mr Cojuangco would then become chairman of San Miguel , as he was in the Marcos days .
12 Andy Gray , on Sky , said that he sits on a panel to decide if a goal is an OG or not … and can then take goals off players .
13 New noise standards would then take effect in April 1995 , with emissions rules coming into operation in 1996 and being tightened further in 2003 .
14 It was offensive that a party should be so unprincipled as first to defeat the Government on a matter of fundamental constitutional importance ; and , having done so , should then take office on condition that it passed the measure .
15 The user can then view items of interest and print out the most important ones .
16 This shared understanding should then inform decisions about priorities , responsibilities and activities within the school .
17 The trust can then acquire shares in Newco and hold these for the benefit of employees of Newco and Target .
18 She will remain on a ventilator for several days and will then require months of surgery and post-operative care .
19 It was intended that all parties should agree on two new treaties at the December 1991 European Council meeting at Maastricht , Netherlands , which would then require approval by member country parliaments before they entered into force .
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