Example sentences of "then [vb past] [adv] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The first Hunter then lunged forward and grabbed hold of Spike 's chest .
2 ‘ Of course Mikey waited until they went to sleep then got underneath and dug it up , ’ chortles a chap in a Hot Tuna sweatshirt .
3 According to Walter Map this was his mother 's teaching : he should keep aspirants waiting in hope , she said , deliberately spinning out their affairs , for an unruly hawk , if meat is held out to it and then snatched away or hid , will become keener and more inclined to be attentive and obedient .
4 I stumbled back and sat down heavily on the plinth , then staggered upright and pulled my cords back up .
5 They made their money out of sugar and slaves and then moved here and made a fine place of the house .
6 Doone made as if to go after him , then stopped indecisively and came back .
7 He straightened , then bent forward and tapped at the white plastic strip on the kitchen window ledge which retained the cheaply horrid secondary double-glazing the flat 's owners had fitted .
8 The finished case is thrown upon the floor ; the long narrow strip which is to form the frame of the drawer is laid upon the bright strip of ready-pasted paper , then bent together and joined by an overlapping bit of paper ; the edges of paper below are bent flat , the ready-cut bottom is dropped in and pressed down and before the fingers are withdrawn they fold over the upper edges of the paper inside the top .
9 A few minutes later they had acknowledged Mr Bryant and his daughter outside their house , and then trudged home and stood chatting for some time on the doorstep .
10 Hans hesitated , then came forward and kissed his father 's cheek .
11 ‘ I went to Co Tyrone , my mother 's county , with the cup all day and then came home and sat at the fire with my wife and talked about the hotel and what had gone on that day . ’
12 They opened for a moment , then closed , then opened again and gazed at Marcus 's face .
13 But once you 've gone down and turned left then turned right and gone ahead
14 At the junction with the road she braked just long enough to see that nothing was coming then turned right and careered wildly down the long hill into the village .
15 Afterwards , Angelo Dundee , who had trained Ali from the start and had to be talked into showing up for this one , watched him slumped in the dressing-room , then turned away and rubbed his eyes as certain people tried to convince Ali that he had been robbed and that a fourth title was still possible .
16 He forced himself to bow politely , and then turned away and began to descend the stairs .
17 He put out his hand , as though he would touch her again , then turned quickly and walked away .
18 He stared wide-eyed , then turned aside and looked disdainful while the grizzled , worn features of Duran were screwed up to hide his frustration .
19 With the hem of his gallibaya caught between his teeth to keep it dry , the boatman waded into the river , pushed the bow out , then climbed aboard and swung the tiller over .
20 She saw us as allies and babbled to us in a mixture of French and Arabic throughout the hymns , then sighed loudly and looked out of the window as the prayers droned on .
21 The apprentice put the ladle to its mouth , then nodded appreciatively and started back down the ladder as the seneschal continued , going against tradition .
22 He glared at me and then walked past and had a sharp look around the office .
23 He allowed her to take the bag and then brushed past and headed for the door .
24 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
25 He smiled in innocent self-reproach , then swung sternly and made the reverse V-sign at the watchful waiter .
26 He kept pulling on the stick , then swung away and made to carry it off .
27 The lift doors parted and he smiled fleetingly at the couple who emerged then stepped inside and pressed the button for the seventh floor .
28 I stopped , felt better , then started again and felt ten times worse .
29 I then er , we then broke away and went up to the er , I suppose it 's the , I do n't know what part of the , but it 's the Dales , that 's where I moved to then and then to because my dad could n't , getting on in years , he could n't take the hills up and then from I got married and we moved into this address here and then that was the day after war was declared that I got married .
30 ‘ Gobble-gobble , gubble-gubble , tickledy pouffela ha ! ’ he cried in a silly , mimicking voice , then laughed raucously and flipped Mister Johnny 's bow tie undone .
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