Example sentences of "then [vb past] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 Pursuing this theory , we attributed to him some great and unhappy love , and then surmised that he had only ever confessed it to Madame , perhaps in the days of his terrible drunkenness .
2 He then realised that he had already seen his son some distance from the door and that his conviction that it was him had been totally irrational .
3 She had stayed in the cellar for what she thought was about three days and then realised that she had n't felt the vibration of gunfire for some time , perhaps a day and a night .
4 Gratified by his sister 's distress , he then whispered that he had a dark secret to tell them : the place was haunted .
5 We then realized that we had to change that image , if you like to call it that , because we were n't really living normal lives any more .
6 We then realized that we had gone too far and lacked the critical mass to support the heavy selling effort involved , so we bought another company to fill out the range again .
7 They had backed up huge demands for cost of living allowances and then found that they had to find the money .
8 ‘ I 've got an overnight bag packed , but before we go — ’ she took a hold on herself to begin , then found that he had something he wanted to say too — and that he did n't mind cutting across what she was saying , to say it .
9 They wished to kill and devour the father and then imagined that they had done so and felt guilty — is this what happened ?
10 He remembered some story about a primitive farmer who discovered roast pork when his house and his pig barn burned down and then imagined that he had to set fire to the place again every time he fancied a bit of crackling .
11 ‘ No ! ’ she shrieked , and managed a half-turn away from him , then discovered that he had found a way of keeping her exactly where he wanted her .
12 I thought of Uncle Rory , then remembered that I had some more of his papers with me , and a load of his poems .
13 She called ‘ Edward ? ’ , and then remembered that he had gone out with the ornithological group .
14 Camille wondered whether , if she was not here , he would be more expansive , then remembered that he had always been a man of few words .
15 She then wished that she had greeted her with less solicitude for she would now have to hear how her aunt was .
16 ‘ I do agree , ’ said Miss Waters , then regretted that she had agreed too quickly , for Mrs Bostock would venture no further except to opine that the Reverend Frere was , at the very least , too little of this world to serve as a useful guide to the next .
17 I then said that I had always looked forward to going to the Board of Education .
18 Mr. Kenealy then said that he had reliable information that patients ' heads were verminous , but he absolutely refused to divulge the sources of the complaints , in which case , the committee said , they would take no further action .
19 He then explained that he had authority to search all premises for weapons and any suspicious matter or persons in view of ‘ information received , .
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