Example sentences of "then [vb past] [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 In ways more amenable to women 's visual pleasure , off-beat films which then made it into the mainstream distribution circuit such as Lianna ( Nelson/Renzi ) , Desert Hearts , I 've Heard the Mermaids Singing ( Rozema ) and Percy Adlon 's work with Marianne Sagebrecht in Baghdad Café and Sugar Baby have achieved a degree of success in changing the dynamics of female objectification and sexual fantasy in an entertainment setting .
2 He then led them into the Catherine Palace , once more brandishing his authority whenever an official came forward to stop them .
3 This is a rather strange piece of behaviour , which gave rise in the l9th century to the belief that the female cuckoo swallowed her egg after laying it and then regurgitated it into the host 's nest .
4 His frown deepened , then transformed itself into a radiant grin .
5 She flicked through a wad of bills without counting , then dropped them into the case and closed the lid .
6 They came with their ideals , found idyllic peace in the countryside , where a man could hardly fail to notice God in the quietness ; said their prayers in one of the fairest little parish churches in all the land ; reacted against , and then threw themselves into the orderliness of quasi-monastic life ; and studied what they wanted , and thought about truth .
7 Some mythic elements seem to be transformations of this cult practice , for example the episode where the young goddess Britomartis leaps into the sea to escape the clutches of Minos , or the contest at Aptera between Muses and Sirens which ended in the defeat of the Sirens , who then threw themselves into the sea .
8 Charles cut the hair up to the nape of the neck at the back , then graduated it into a flattering , face-framing bob .
9 You need one of those slave-driving old studio bosses if you ask me , not a sensitive graduate who went into movies because he liked the clouds in Antonioni and then turned himself into a nouvelle vague Deutscher all hot for Truthspiel .
10 He then turned himself into an enormous DRAGON and settled down on top of the cache .
11 Donald McCulloch grinned with pleasure and then turned it into a look of complicity for the younger men .
12 He pulled the horse round to face eastwards , then spurred it into the tall field of rye .
13 Helen had waited for five minutes , not knowing at all why , then followed him into the bedroom .
14 Paul Sharp , 27 , and David Sweeney , 28 , argued with the manager of the Step In Indian restaurant in Foregate Street , Chester , and then followed him into the kitchen , Chester Crown Court heard yesterday .
15 He held the door open for her then followed her into the warmth of the bar .
16 He watched her go , his smile crooked , heard her say goodnight to Matey — her manners were always impeccable — then followed her into the kitchen to pick up her candlestick and light the candle for her ; it had grown dark while they had drunk their cocoa and eaten their biscuits .
17 She came down to Riverside with me , watched as we rehearsed then followed me into the loo and gave me a blow job — something I just was n't used to as a 17-year-old grammar school boy still living at home with his mum and dad .
18 David McPherson had deceived John O'Donnell , 25 , into going to Argyll with him then delivered him into the hands of several other men .
19 Daak spent a few minutes kicking the remains of the pilot out of the front of the cockpit , and then settled himself into the pilot 's bucket seat and swivelled lazily from side to side , waiting for the women .
20 A gorgeously dressed footman inspected her ticket , then bowed her into the hallway which was brilliant with candles and thronged with people .
21 Huffily Leonora filled the kettle , made coffee , then took hers into the other room .
22 The coach then took us into the Wachau Valley for lunch at another 5-star hotel and then after a short walk through the medieval village and Durnstein Castle , we went on to the ‘ UND ’ Monastery at Krems for a wine tasting .
23 Her father tapped the ash off his cigarette into his cupped hand and then blew it into the air .
24 Park Court , which houses Hilda 's flat , was at one time an outhouse for a local manor , but in 1931 the owner left it to the local council who then converted it into a fire station .
25 and then converted it into a you know , sort of , a modest hotel .
26 Sometimes he picked something up , squatting on heels to examine it , then slipped it into a bag that hung from his shoulder ; or put it down again , going on .
27 When Mrs Thatcher first came into power , she got hold of the pound note , held it up and tore it in half and then tore it into a quarter , and she said this is what the pound 's worth under the Labour government .
28 Whitlock shot Kolchinsky a knowing look then ushered him into the lift .
29 They threatened him with a spanner and screwdriver , then forced him into the back of his Sierra .
30 He tied her up then forced her into a clearing in the dunes and raped her twice , the court heard .
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