Example sentences of "then [pers pn] must [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 But then I must have a cold shower .
2 If you are disabled in any way ( even if it is only a minor disability it could become worse as you grow older ) then you must view a flat from the point of view of your ease of movement .
3 Erm , er , now of course to get back to the ambulance erm if somebody comes out of an epileptic fit and goes immediately back into another one , then you must call an ambulance , it takes so much from the person , it takes so much energy that the person ca n't possible go into one fit after another , erm without showing some affects and therefore you would have to get them to hospital , if you do n't and they have two or three fits one after another they can die , so they must go to hospital .
4 ‘ Well if it was n't you , then you must have a twin sister . ’
5 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
6 If you wish to deposit money using the Cashline machine , then you must use an envelope provided by the Bank in the machine .
7 Then you must find a way , Joan de Warenne ! ’
8 If she is simply referring to degrees of context-dependency , then she must establish a scale on which such things can be measured .
9 This holds good on condition that we are restricting our attention , as in this study , to syntax ; once we take the broader view which embraces speakers ' knowledge of vocabulary as well , then we must admit a real analogue to this relation since speakers are quite aware that their language habitually uses , for example this set of words to instantiate E , and that set of words to instantiate P ( or , in most languages , various sets of words to instantiate the Ps occurring in various different intensional patterns ; see Appendix B , Section 7 ) .
10 If this is the kind of filtering we require then we must develop an architecture which allows such changes of activity to be constantly monitored and responded to by the higher levels .
11 Then we must find a way to force Monks to talk .
12 If the Palaeolithic stone axe is immediately succeeded in a section by a plastic bucket , then we must suspect a gap .
13 16.1hh-16.3hh is the size of horse I feel happy on , then they must have a good jump , temperament , and paces ( in that order ) .
14 ‘ If it does not contain interest rates , then it must include an invitation for readers to get full written details of the terms . ’
15 If it is to become an accepted institution in the United Kingdom , then it must become a much clearer and more developed concept .
16 Then he must win a proposed world super-bantamweight unification match against WBC champion Tracey Patterson the adopted son of the legendary Floyd to at long last approach the big money bracket .
17 If he was devoted to his wife and children then he must have a soft heart beneath that refrigerated exterior .
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