Example sentences of "then [pron] can [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Justification by inference is conditional justification only ; A's justification is conditional upon the justification of B and C. But if all inferential justification is conditional in this sense , then nothing can be shown to be actually , non-conditionally justified .
2 They say if you can walk , then you can be taught to dance .
3 And if your if your vetting does n't come up to scratch , then you can be terminated , it 's in your contract .
4 You can get back from York in quarter of an hour and then you can be sat there for
5 And if it is beyond the scope of our work , then who can be relied upon to undertake it ?
6 There is no need to go self-consciously looking for intuitions , for then one can be deceived and become the victim of imagination , but such faculties are automatically rediscovered as we learn the art of meditation , of stillness , and true mind control .
7 Indeed , Ernest Bevin , speaking at a union dinner , maintained that , if there is a new conception of the objects of industry , then there can be created in this country … conditions which will minimize strikes and probably make them non-existent for 25 years . ’
8 Another point to remember is that flowers will wilt badly , or even die , if they are left sitting in a hot car or office all day , so if you have to buy them hours before they will be pressed , put them in plenty of water as soon as possible or , better still , buy them on your way home and then they can be pressed fairly quickly .
9 Their deductions seemed to be contradictory , but if the little word " like " is inserted with regard to each , then they can be seen as possibly converging .
10 If someone causes offence to us ( ie Leeds supporters ) then they can be kicked off .
11 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
12 If the legislature finds that limitations on the common law principle are needed for reasons of policy or good administration then they can be adopted by legislation , e.g. by a short limitation period , presumptions as to validity , even ( which I mention but do not necessarily think appropriate since the matter has not been discussed ) a power in the courts to limit the effects of any order for recovery comparable to that conferred on the European Court of Justice by article 174 of the E.E.C .
13 A Lancefish bait placed in a convenient place in the aquarium can be used to attract them and then they can be picked off , the bait being removed afterwards , of course .
14 If satisfactory control of hypertension is not achieved with dietary modification and one of these agents , then they can be used in combination .
15 If a child has committed an offence and the parents are not providing adequate care , protection and guidance , or the offence indicates the child is beyond parental control , then they can be brought before the court as in need of care , protection and control .
16 Then they can be put into their appropriate places .
17 We can do , we 've just got to , I mean we 've just got to ask everyone to give a very brief report erm on another occasion and then it can be kept very short , I think though , there are , there are times when , when , you know , we do want to hear what 's going on with sort of er networks and campaigns , we do need that time as well do n't we , er so we ca n't , I do n't think we can always do it .
18 And , let it be noted , if 1920 marked the high tide of Bukharin 's leftism , then it can be said to be equally true of the Bolsheviks as a whole , Lenin included .
19 Of course , as recognized by the judge in the above case , if the structure is dictated by function then it can be said to be an uncopyrightable idea although , often that will not be so ; there will be a variety of potential structures possible .
20 It is a simple matter , which we leave to the reader , to show that if A is real , symmetric and positive definite , then it can be written as the product BTB where B is real and triangular .
21 If it 's a big discharge which is perhaps on a Royal Commission standard and it is consistently turning out say a 30 BOD and a 40 solids then it can be regarded as harmful and one would press for improvement to be carried out . …
22 ‘ I have always believed that if you have organisation , belief , and players who want to work hard together , then it can be done .
23 For example , if disassembling a computer program in order to correct errors is necessary to the lawful use and there are no express terms prohibiting this , then it can be done without infringing copyright .
24 And of course if you book over the phone , then it can be done that way .
25 Once it is realized that signals that change cells ' behaviour do not really carry intricate information , then it can be seen that any complexity of behaviour lies in the cells ' capacity to respond rather than in complexity in the signals .
26 If it is supported by the evidence ( 9 ) , then it can be seen as a contribution to theory ( 10 ) .
27 Burgess himself stated that its creation was specific to one city — Chicago , however even then it can be seen as too simplistic .
28 If r = n , then it can be seen that the variance of lifetime consumption is definitely a decreasing function of a 3 .
29 If this abbreviated plan is convincing , then it can be refined to a more nearly faithful one .
30 If the faculty of negation is crucial to thinking , then it can be assumed that each cognitive strategy is potentially negateable .
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