Example sentences of "then [pron] have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then I have a tuning pedal and I have another pedal just for one song — a dynamic filter .
2 If clients want to drink then I have a drink .
3 Then I have a bath , stick some stuff in from ‘ Nectar ’ ( we have n't got a Body Shop around here , but I never use things that are tested on animals , and even my hairspray is ozone-friendly ) , and lie back and indulge myself .
4 with the National Health , then I have a lot , more contact with her than with most other groups .
5 Then you have a drug to take away the pain of the drug that is killing the cancer cells which unfortunately makes you sick and then they give you something to try to reduce that sickness , so you have one battling the other , battling the other .
6 And then you have a banquet afterwards ?
7 After all this is done ‘ then you have a standard , ’ says Heath .
8 After all this is done ‘ then you have a standard , ’ says Heath .
9 And then you have a quarter then it 'll start with the electric , then phone , then gas again !
10 I know we used the video but that was for a very specific reason but if you know have you ever been to one of those lectures where there 's there 's overheads going on here and then they go and they write on there and they you have some slides and then you have a video and then you know it 's like being at Wimbledon .
11 When the picture is sharp enough on fast search ( machines vary ) , then you have a way of skipping through a long programme , perhaps selecting only some sections for normal viewing .
12 ‘ The teacher explains how to change a tyre , then you have a go , ’ she says .
13 Then you have a bit of the petal free to get hold of right at the very tip .
14 A I would suggest you have your hair regularly trimmed to the length it is now until the layers grow down successfully without splitting , then you have a chance of growing your hair longer .
15 length by the breadth to work out how may square metres , then you have a look on the can , one can will cover thirty square metres or whatever .
16 And then you have a join
17 I think we ought to go and talk to them first and exp you know , put our side forward and if they do n't want to play then , then you have a solicitor .
18 Cue up the phrase you wish to learn , press record and then you have a maximum of fifteen seconds sampling time at your disposal .
19 You 've only done about two words , then you have a break and then you go back to it and you get another three or four .
20 If you can afford the licence fee and a VCR , cable subscription and satellite dish , then you have a room with a million views .
21 You just automatically got up in the morning , jumped in your car , went to work , you were there for half six , sun shone , cup of tea , read the Sun , sit down , get on your lathe , have your break at ten o'clock , lunch time , have your meal and then you have a game of football outside in the car park or whatever , and you had a daily little routine .
22 Then you have a bath and they give you a towel and soap .
23 Yes , but your normal sale of goods rights , John , say that if the vehicle is n't in reasonable condition , bearing in mind it 's age , previous history , price paid , then you have a claim under the Sale of Goods Act , so where are you taking us beyond that ?
24 ‘ And the other thing is that if what you say is true then you have a form of extra-sensory perception .
25 properly still probably as a bit of a dogsbody and then you have a sort of
26 Then you have a number of loan repayments , and you 're quite right , there is a , there is a ma an amount will be paid to Reed equivalent to , I E we 're not gon na pay them the interest for the capital receipts but when amount , we receive money we 're paying it on .
27 Then we have a range of measurements where the conflict control systems of animals are not able to work properly ; for example , where the animal wants to do something but can not , or is frustrated .
28 If you want to obtain a higher level of compensation cover than the basic £20 then we have a range of services available .
29 The only time it comes in useful is when we 're talking about acting and then we have a kind of shorthand .
30 So , for example , we 've got a positive with a negative , then we have a positive with a positive , a negative with a negative and a negative with a positive .
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