Example sentences of "into which [pers pn] had been " in BNC.

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1 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
2 Conservationist Dexter Cate of Hawaii was jailed for 100 days in 1980 when he released several hundred dolphins from the bay into which they had been driven before slaughter .
3 Under Russian rule many native communities were deprived of such rights by sheer seizure of land ( zakhvat ) or by forfeiting territory as a result of pernicious debtor-contracts into which they had been duped by unscrupulous settlers .
4 Instead she glanced about the small chamber off the hall into which she had been ushered , thanking whatever saint had been responsible that de Raimes was apparently going to keep her to himself .
5 Anna picked up the saucepan into which she had been putting potatoes and transferred it to the stove .
6 It was , as he readily acknowledged , in many ways an unfortunate statement into which he had been pushed by his officials before he had fully mastered the intricacies of the problem .
7 These were the realities of grinding poverty , the price paid in human terms for that age of worldwide industrial expansion into which he had been born .
8 He saw the age into which he had been born as a civilisation in decline , and said so .
9 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
10 What I experienced as I fell on my knees was a metaphor — I saw the technological society into which I had been born as a Frankenstein body from which the spirit was missing .
11 In June 1989 Nagy was reburied , his body being extracted from the common grave into which it had been thrown .
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