Example sentences of "into the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 13 of these patients a Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted into the pulmonary artery for measurements of cardiopulmonary pressures and cardiac output ( Edwards Laboratory , Los Angeles , CA , USA ) ( thermal dilution ) .
2 In addition to the relationship display which is incorporated into the alphabetical list of subject terms , thesauri often incorporate other lists which help to show the relationships between terms .
3 And somewhere among them , not readily to be located , there was a centre of desperate but controlled unease , a disquiet that caused the air within the choir to quake , with a rapid vibration of disquiet and dread , like a heartbeat driven into the fluttering panic of a bird 's wings .
4 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
5 Before journeying into the sensory worlds of other animals we need to discard this restricted view .
6 The Government 's objective was to make the industry more efficient , to bring it into the latter part of the 20th century and to make it possible for British mines to produce competitively .
7 The Conservative selection board was designed to bring the candidates ' list into the latter half of the twentieth century by including more industrialists , more women , more representatives of ethnic minorities , and reducing the number of barristers looking for a congenial second career .
8 The opening of the airport has affected tourism in Madeira more than any other single factor and has transported an isolated island directly into the latter half of the twentieth century .
9 We fit into the latter category in these terms , but not in our own .
10 In the immediate post-war period , this discourse entered into the practical consciousness of many university teachers of English , eventually to such an extent that it significantly transformed the conditions of the discipline 's reproduction .
11 I should say that a , a lot of this information will be covered again during this course , what I 'm trying to do now is to bring together the the themes in a pathogenesis of infection that I introduced last week into the practical context of clinical infections .
12 Exploring ideas of motherhood can plunge us right into the heart of mystical philosophy as well as into the practical world of child rearing .
13 I do support this , which is Michael 's resolution because we should be looking at the financial costs and er going into the practical aspects of this and let's , let's face it er there are many aspects which are financially unviable and we should be aware of exactly where we stand on that .
14 She stepped up into the deep cool of the room .
15 Will German think-tanks ever go the way of some of their English-speaking counterparts , and plunge into the deep waters of ideology ?
16 We were on the starboard tack , fighting into the trades as we clawed our way out from the Bahamian shoals into the deep waters of the Atlantic .
17 She slipped a strap from her shoulder to enable him to look down her blouse into the deep valley between her magnificent white boobs .
18 Caroline jammed her hands into the deep pockets of her skirt .
19 It was like a wild , graceful leap in the air and they both disappeared momentarily into the deep water of the lake .
20 Reproachfully , Rosa dipped into the deep pot of olives and served a scoop of the waxy jade pebbles on to a dish and set it near Tommaso .
21 Richard was crying now , pressing his face into the deep folds of her skirt .
22 Charles shrank into the deep upholstery of the Rolls ' front seat .
23 In the antique mirror with its frame of carved shells she saw both their faces distorted by a defect in the glass ; the brown and green of Stella 's huge luminous eyes smeared like wet paint into the deep clefts between nostrils and mouth ; her own wide brow bulging like that of a hydrocephalic child .
24 Martin now leant his gun gently against the thick bush of the hedge behind which they were crouched and , putting his hand into the deep pocket of his overcoat , he drew out a flask , unscrewed the silver top , poured out a measure and handed it to Dick Smith , saying , ‘ It 'll stop the shivers . ’
25 Finniston admits that being plunged into the deep end of commercial decisions he inevitably made mistakes in the early stages , although he is not prepared to take the blame entirely .
26 I ran across one the other day that lifted me up on wings of heady prose , only to plunge me into the deep end of bathos .
27 It plunged into the deep undergrowth on the other side of the path and was lost to sight almost before Mary recovered from the shock .
28 As Schweitzer 's contemporary , the Roman Catholic Modernist , George Tyrrell , remarked , the biographers of Jesus ‘ looked into the deep well of history , and saw there only the reflection of their own faces ’ .
29 Only 15 months later , the participants in that match , which , it must be said , was not full of passion , are now presumably heavily engaged in destroying each other simply because they come from two sides of a divide that dates back to the tragedies , miseries and horrors of the second world war , back to the first world war and into the deep recesses of history before that time .
30 There is only one route , to the left down the centre of the Vs with the main flow into the deep pool between the old packhorse bridge and the new road bridge .
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