Example sentences of "some [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Environmental Forum found some support amongst professionals in the water industry and in medicine , people who had known about the problems for years but kept quiet about them .
2 They had some support amongst officials at court , but they had not troubled to build up support amongst the magnates or the lesser landowners .
3 There was some support from respondents from all types of practice for applying the requirement to every firm , whilst others argued it should be limited to smaller firms and/or those in breach of the rules .
4 The British Youth Peace Assembly , a largely Communist gathering , was held in March 1936 , and attracted some support from branches of the Labour League of Youth and from the University Labour Federation .
5 Even these more sophisticated attempts to elaborate where power lies and to allow for some freedom of manoeuvre for the state in capitalism can between , however .
6 Here Thomas Carnan obtained some freedom of exercise for him .
7 However , relatively small size of the samples may account in some measure for inconsistencies in the findings .
8 Careful explanations at this time could give them at least an inkling of the importance of the game , and some measure of preparation for the time when it will be no game , but a reality of great promise .
9 So if I short er short circuit the rest of my cross examination on these various policies that you say er we 're in erm we 're in some measure of conflict with , your answer would be in in relation to E N V Eleven and E N V Twelve which you also cite , do I put it fairly your answer would be this ?
10 10 Because there are many groups and interests in society ; because groups can come and go as they wish ; and because they all enjoy some measure of influence in particular issues , politics is fluid and everchanging and the policy process is best characterised as one involving bidding , bargaining , negotiation , accommodation , compromise , and checks and balances .
11 And marriage is the only state which affords women some measure of protection under law , which is why many women insist on it even when they suspect their relationship might not last the distance .
12 In border areas , dwellings which incorporated architectural features concerned with defence ( the ‘ maison-fortes ’ of France ) were both dwellings for a family and , in certain circumstances , they might provide some measure of protection for local people , in so doing underlining the nobleman 's responsibility for the defence of the people .
13 The role of the UN would be to supervise elections , if possible throughout Korea but if not in south Korea alone , and to afford some measure of protection to the infant state as it moved to independence .
14 Dowd had stayed out of the Retreat all the time he 'd waited for Godolphin ( a wearisome three days ) even though it would have given him some measure of protection against the bitter cold .
15 The system has been flexible and robust enough to respond to changing conditions and circumstances , and there has been sufficient political and institutional stability with regard to attitudes towards , and assumptions about , planning during much of the period to give some measure of consistency to public policies and programmes .
16 There is general agreement about the principle of allowing some measure of independence to the province .
17 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
18 Newcastle upon Tyne had been an important medieval borough ; other places had been small market centres whose burgesses had obtained some measure of independence from their manorial lords .
19 Elementary description had a natural place particularly where " errors of description " had been excepted and the courts tended to discover some measure of description by which the goods had been sold ( see for example Taylor v Bullen ( 1850 ) 5 Ex 779 ) .
20 The pace , however , was very much dictated by changing American attitudes towards the USSR and the creation of some measure of unanimity in Washington .
21 If we speak of control , we are speaking of empowerment , a now much abused word , but one which still conveys the sense of movement from situations of experienced powerlessness , both individual and collective , to one where people acquire some measure of determination in the course of events and policies .
22 Indeed , if goldfish and carp are placed in a pool , providing that the proportion of males and females is reasonably balanced , they will probably breed with some measure of success of their own accord without the pool owner needing to become involved .
23 This practice continuously compares budgeted amounts with actuals and as such is providing some measure of performance against a predetermined standard .
24 Needless to say there was always some measure of communication between monasteries , but it was only a modest intrusion into the life of most monks and even of many abbots .
25 If I had developed some measure of showmanship over the years , I felt it was not much use to me or anyone else while I sat in my office and let junior producers have all the fun .
26 Clearly there needs to be some measure of self-control in these situations , but it is easier if there has been a clear and prior agreement that disputes will be handled in this way .
27 Fran read on , deriving some measure of comfort from the less than flattering assessment , although in truth she knew that she was deliberately glossing over the more attractive aspects of the sign .
28 First a considerable , and , on the whole , successful attempt to introduce some measure of integration to programmes at lower primary level .
29 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
30 For the first time , it appeared , Mrs Thatcher had some measure of command over her own Cabinet .
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