Example sentences of "some [noun sg] to [verb] this " in BNC.

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1 Hopefully this brief article will go some way to redressing this .
2 Mr Campbell added : ‘ Anything which goes some way to alleviating this problem has to be a good thing . ’
3 Europe , not the States , was still the mecca , and many shopping trips by eager Scousers willing to supply the demand in their home city went some way to doing this .
4 Part of this dependence is simply being used to being ‘ under the influence ’ or ‘ stoned ’ for a long period of time and drugs such as cannabis and amphetamines may go some way to overcoming this problem .
5 Channel 4 has gone some way to remedying this situation .
6 Terry Eagleton came some way to acknowledging this , in a quasi-refutation of his Althusserian phase , when he included himself among the English Marxist intellectuals who ‘ managed the difficult dialectical trick of appropriating certain Althusserian concepts in blithe ignorance or disregard of their guilty political context . ’
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