Example sentences of "some [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While Father Aden tidies the rooms , Brother Bernard slips into his role as tourist guide , showing off some off the treasures of the Abbey .
2 Some of these cheeses were eaten the day they were made , with cream and sugar , some were for almond cheesecakes , some for the fillings of covered pies called Florentines , some for spiced cheese loaves baked in stoneware porringers .
3 De Niro 's other appointments have included : as designer , a friend of a production aide , whose normal line of work is women 's wear ; as site manager , a former Disney executive ; and as architect ( 20 were interviewed ) , the relatively unknown Lo-yi Chan , whose inexperience was blamed by some for the renovations to the Martinson building going $350,000 over budget .
4 Just as a sub-lessee may be required by his sub-lease to comply with some of the covenants in the head-lease , and is answerable to his sub-lessor if he should breach those covenants , so rule 2.12(1) provides a régime in which appointed representatives will be subject to the Norwich Union , not directly to Lautro .
5 This was erected in 1801 at about the same time as some of the farmhouses in the parish .
6 Some of the warnings in Roger Bullock 's chapter about faulty use of information are demonstrated in the points made by Martin Knapp about the use of cost information to come to flawed conclusions .
7 Responding to some of the charges on Sept. 10 , Bhutto claimed that she was " honest " and dismissed the allegations against her as " an act of desperation " on the part of the President .
8 Some of the campaigns in which TIE has been involved have lasted many years , for example the Nestle Infant Formula boycott ( to be discussed in detail in Chapter 5 ) , the campaign to force corporations to divest in South Africa , the struggles on behalf of Coca Cola workers in Guatemala and Control Data workers in Korea , as well as several campaigns against TNC policies in the United States .
9 One of the features of that day will be a series of mini- lecturers on just about every conceivable subject , and during the next few Ideas In Action programmes I shall be talking to some of the lecturers about their topics , hopefully whetting your appetites sufficiently to want to join us on that day to hear more .
10 One of the features of the day will be a series of mini-lectures on just about every conceivable subject , and during the next few Ideas in Action programmes , I shall be talking to some of the lecturers about their topics and , hopefully , whetting your appetites sufficiently to want to join us on June the fourteenth to hear more .
11 The shadowy collaboration between Apple Computer Inc and Novell Inc to put the Macintosh Finder user interface and Toolbox applications development aids atop Novell 's DR DOS clone of Microsoft Corp 's MS-DOS and network client software to give the poor relations in the graphical user interface stakes , the iAPX-86 personal computer users , some of the joys of the Macintosh , has now been pinned down pretty firmly by MacWeek , and it appears that the resulting product will be marketed by Novell .
12 He says when they started they had to improvise and some of the lights on the stage were just tin boxes .
13 Some of the lights in the tunnel are busted , and it smells of piss .
14 were some of the directors of P L C also directors of developments ?
15 Why should n't the dirty and degenerate suffer at least some of the consequences of their thoughtless self-indulgence and needless promiscuity ?
16 In the event , some of the consequences of the solution have proved as irksome as the problem , but they have done the trick .
17 The ideal of the secondary modern school was disintegrating , and the lack of a clear mission contributed to a steadily growing disenchantment with some of the consequences of the 1944 Act .
18 Earlier chapters have drawn out some of the consequences of this peculiarity ; this one turns to procedural matters , and to the way in which the involvement of third parties , once an obstacle to the legal recognition of trusts , was turned into a virtue and one of their greatest strengths in the legal enforcement of testamentary dispositions .
19 Choices can be made more easily if some of the consequences of such a choice are known .
20 Some of the consequences of vision screening will be in the area of correction or remediation as well as in identifying problems with sight and influencing educational placements .
21 Some of the consequences of this are discussed in the section on outcomes , below .
22 They produced an analysis of some of the consequences of conventional quantum mechanics which they felt would convince people of the unsatisfactory nature of that theory .
23 In this chapter I shall consider some of the consequences of the National Curriculum for children who experience difficulties in learning at school .
24 The example of the national parks illustrates some of the consequences of negative development control planning , but positive planning may also have serious implications for local communities .
25 While the basic nineteenth-century response to poverty was to try to strengthen older institutions , some of the consequences of urbanization and industrialization posed problems for which entirely new responses were necessary .
26 The general regulation of economic and social life at the national level , and relations with other nation states , require a complex apparatus of government and administration , parties with broadly formulated aims and policies , and competition between parties ; but there is also a need for more direct and immediate means of political action , which would allow the effective expression of particular grievances and interests , counter some of the consequences of centralization and bureaucratic administration and make possible a more continuous practical participation by large numbers of citizens in determining the quality of their lives .
27 Erm what I 've mentioned then on the handout is some stuff about um er the business of traumagenic dynamics and the possibility that some of the consequences of child sex abuse cold be thought of as as er post-traumatic stress disorder .
28 Some of the consequences for this group include over 120 spontaneous leukaemias during the next 50 years and an increased risk of genetic disorders in future generations ( Anspaugh et al. , 1988 ) .
29 Maguire ( 1985 ) investigated the reasons for poor nurse-to-patient communication and gave examples of some of the consequences in relation to diagnoses ; to treatment ; to investigations ; and to potential complications which became actual problems .
30 Elizabeth Blackadder shows a group of those charming still lives in which she gathers some of the objects to be found in her Edinburgh home and paints them as if they were in situ .
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