Example sentences of "when she [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She remembered incidents vividly and , when she wrote her books , she had their letters to each other and all his notebooks ( most of which are now in the Berg Collection ) , carefully dated between November '95 and June '97 .
2 Similarly Julian was nor afraid to put her own words and reflections onto the lips of Christ when she wrote her book .
3 She let it fall back into the water when she heard what John had told Larry .
4 She took a deep breath , was about to go in when she heard her name .
5 Leith 's thoughts were still suspended in mid-air , when she heard her name called .
6 But when she heard her children were being maltreated she came back a year later and fought to have them returned to her .
7 FARMER 'S wife Mary Watson drowned herself when she heard her husband had only six months to live .
8 ‘ Two days ! ’ she interposed , trying to lace her voice with sarcasm , furious when she heard her protest come out breathy and shaken .
9 She had her back to the door and was standing at a filing-cabinet taking out more information she would need when she heard her assistant come back .
10 Jenny , now happily married , cried when she heard her torturer was dead and said : ‘ I 'm relieved I will never again feel my stomach churn when a man with his silhouette passes me in the street ’ .
11 She 'd hardly reached the closet when she heard her father 's voice .
12 After a while when the sickness had subsided , she opened the door and was about to creep cautiously away , when she heard her father speak some words that halted her : ‘ Who 's to blame for the club nights , I ask you ? ’ he was saying .
13 Only when she heard her aunt 's familiar voice and had to fight a desire to burst into tears did Luce realise just how strung-up she 'd been .
14 She turned her face away from the light when she heard his voice , but Jan Coggan had also recognized her .
15 However , her face lit up in a smile when she heard his voice .
16 She was walking into the hotel when she heard his car start up .
17 She had finished when she heard his signal , a yell he had perfected to sound like a car hooting .
18 When she heard my name given out , she was certain that against all the odds it was the boy she had played with — and tried to make understand her frantic sign language and European gibberish — more than 40 years earlier .
19 When she heard my voice , she asked drily , ‘ What do you want ? ’
20 When she heard my voice she gasped , then collapsed into giggles .
21 ‘ Hello , Celia , ’ she said when she heard my voice .
22 Later I had the honour and privilege of meeting Odette Churchill , the heroine of the French Resistance , someone I had admired for years , ever since reading about her exploits when she received her medal after the war .
23 When she asked her pupils the name of one of the disciples quick as a flash came the answer , " Matthew … cap'n . "
24 When she asked her opinion of a radio programme , Mrs O replied that , as she had total hearing loss , she did n't hear the programme .
25 If Cad had become aware of him on that occasion , as she soon would , when she became their go-between , she would have taken his attachment as her due : she counted the giving of delight as nothing for she accomplished it without intending it .
26 All innocence and sweetness it was , when she became my lady .
27 When she told her friends about it ( ‘ My dears , he took a garden vegetable and changed it into a bird in front of my eyes ! ’ ) , her friends realized that she also had a wonderful imagination .
28 When she told her age she was cross .
29 They were naturally thrilled but when she told her brother Charles of her marriage plans at their mother 's London apartment he wisecracked : ‘ Who to ? ’
30 AN angry mother-in-law took instant revenge when she discovered her son 's wife was unfaithful .
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