Example sentences of "when she [vb past] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 When she stepped on a stick and snapped it , the sudden noise caused a rook to rise from its nest with a startled beating of wings .
2 He was surprised when she rapped on the basement window .
3 When she knocked on the door of Back Clough Dale Cottage , she had been afraid but in control .
4 He was a little way behind her when she knocked on the study door .
5 It must have been nearly three months before I heard from Mrs Ainsworth , and in fact I had begun to wonder at the bassets ' long symptomless run when she came on the phone .
6 Later she received a good luck token when she went on a walkabout in Glasgow 's George Square .
7 Janet Garsden Cooper lost the shape of her face when she piled on the flab .
8 Nevertheless , it awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards him in her , because it made him so very human , this man of whom she had once been so deeply in awe and whose power over her still unnerved her when she reflected on the realities of their relationship .
9 He walked by her side without touching her , even when she tripped on the uneven turf , and she knew she had destroyed anything there might have been .
10 Her interest in jewellery began when she collaborated on the exhibition of rings at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford in 1978 .
11 When she reappeared on the stage it was to look over a sea of smiling faces and to listen to the chant now of ‘ Macushla !
12 The Queen swapped her royal launch for a River Bus on June 9 , when she travelled on the Thames to a private viewing of the P&O sponsored Chelsea Harbour Sculpture 93 .
13 The 17-year-old single mother from Middlesbrough , who can not be named for legal reasons , elected jury trial when she appeared on a cruelty charge at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court in Westminster yesterday .
14 It was red , and when she stood on the table and touched it , it looked like blood .
15 When she sat on the chamberpot to try to relieve it , the blood came .
16 And it took our model 's breath away when she tried on the ring … its facets sparkling like a waterfall around the dimly-lit room .
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