Example sentences of "when she [be] about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Go and ask when she 's finished or when she 's about finished reading that
2 There was a stage , when she was about thirteen , when I think Shanti had what psychologists would term an identity crisis .
3 After that she went into service and there she stayed until , when she was about twenty-two years of age , her brother came to tell her he was married and to ask her if she would leave her employer and come to look after his wife who was expecting a baby .
4 When she was about fifty metres away from the building she heard some people behind her , but she did not stop .
5 Because my elder sister she left home when she was about sixteen I think , she went erm into she was working there as a matron 's maid .
6 Elsie lived but we know very little about her beyond a few basic facts : she married an older man who was rather irascible and treated her badly ; she disappeared in mysterious circumstances when she was about twenty-six ; her body was discovered a year ago on the bed of the filled-in Loch Craig .
7 Eventually it was he who told her mother when she was about eight months pregnant : " We 'd been planning it for ages to tell them but we had n't had the nerve to get round to it .
8 Q My two-year-old mongrel bitch was spayed after her first season — when she was about six months old .
9 Sheila stayed in one until her daughter was born and adopted ; Denise left London to live in the West Country on her own , and organised a place in one for herself and her eight-week-old baby ; and Lisa went into one when she was about six months pregnant .
10 But when she was about six weeks old things got a bit more serious .
11 ONCE WHEN SHE WAS ABOUT five she had been separated from her mother in a department store .
12 Her family had come to Bradford when she was about fourteen .
13 Mary had begun to visit her regularly on Friday mornings — with Mr Fenton 's express approval and the Christian support of her mother — when she was about fourteen — at about the time her father had begun to use her in the Fish and Budworth had turned up to sketch his mischief .
14 When she was about twenty , she worked in an office , one of two women among about thirty men .
15 When she was about twenty .
16 Shanti has told me that when she was about seven , she used to tell the children at school that she was really the daughter of an Indian princess , and used to pretend to talk in an Indian language !
17 When she was about ten months old , baby Sylvia was lying in her cot in the house while her mother was busy in the kitchen .
18 When she was about ten she had even started to plant flowers outside it .
19 Her mind had set irrevocably into middle age when she was about ten .
20 ‘ I asked Jaggers to find a little girl for me to adopt , and he brought Estella here , when she was about three . ’
21 When she was about three months pregnant , and feeling totally rejected by everyone , she got into a very depressed state , staying in her room for several days without moving , wondering if this was what it was like to be dead .
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