Example sentences of "when he [verb] [adv] his " in BNC.

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1 He tried to imagine Matthew 's state of mind when he gathered up his wife 's things and stashed them away .
2 When he woke up his hair was in the soup and his head on the rim of the plate , and his hostess had left the table .
3 His heart sank when he saw where his questionings would take him next .
4 When he sent out his disciples he instructed them to preach Dhamma , the Truth , the Norm .
5 She was still a way from him when he stretched out his left hand to grasp hers from a distance .
6 Yet this stranger had a different manner altogether from the old doctor who , when he had n't his hearing aid in place , shouted as if it were you who were deaf .
7 They crossed the road to face the oncoming traffic and had just passed a 40 mph speed limit sign when he looked over his shoulder and saw a car heading towards them on the wrong side of the road .
8 But when he looked over his shoulder , expecting Eve to be doing much the same , she was heading in quite a different direction .
9 When he looked back his green eyes were dark , thoughtful .
10 When he got back his sister told him .
11 For when he spells out his conclusion , it appears to amount to the claim that , since people are not in general stupid , most cutlery executives would have seen the advantages of changing to stainless steel .
12 ( In 1931 Mr. Norris earned a report in the Standard when he shot off his foot while rabbiting ) .
13 The cigar was half finished when he shot back his cuff and looked at his watch .
14 The same thing happens when he picks up his tenor sax , licks the end of the mouthpiece and proceeds to honk and howl like a man possessed …
15 Nigel Buxton , 41 , swerved snarply across the road when he lifted both his hands off the wheel and ran them through his hair , Didcot magistrates heard .
16 When he took over his father 's stables in 1968 he became the fourth generation of the family to train at Newmarket but he broke tradition when he moved to North Yorkshire in 1970 .
17 He was already fifty-five years old when he took up his first corporate post , as technical director of C.A. Parsons , manufacturers of electrical generators , transformers and turbines .
18 When he took up his pen again , it was as if he had assumed the annihilating impact of that wave : his books , he said , ‘ must be read as if they were the books of a dead man ’ .
19 In fact he was due to become President when he took up his post with the SCU .
20 This teacher 's annoyance was reiterated by a white teacher who related his experience of the school when he took up his post seven years before :
21 • Clark Gable , on the other hand , caused vest sales to drop drastically when he took off his shirt in ‘ It Happened One Night ’ , to reveal a completely bare torso .
22 He looked to be in his early-to-mid-fifties , and was running to fat , and when he took off his topee it was to wipe the sweat from a pink , bald head .
23 When he took off his dented helmet he proved to have bristly fair hair above a snub-nosed face .
24 When he came out his mother was waiting for him .
25 When he came back his face was grim , and she looked at him with surprise .
26 When he came back his face was livid with anger .
27 He was in Málaga and when he came back his father was dead and his sister was blind .
28 But Hampson pulled a calf muscle when he stepped up his training .
29 Claudio Monteverdi ( 1567–1643 ) was already famous as a madrigalist and composer of the operas Orfeo and Arianna but when he brought out his Sanctissimae Virgini Missa senis vocibus … ac Vesperae ( Venice , 1610 ) he had published no church music since the juvenile Cantiunculae Sacrae of the ‘ pupil of the eminent Ingegneri ’ in 1582 .
30 He was , he said , threatened with murder ; and when he travelled round his diocese he was preceded by a troop of horse which broke up the illegal meetings .
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