Example sentences of "when he [was/were] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course , when he was on a binge he was in no shape to have sex , so he brought it in .
2 One of these men had a wife and family , and only joined the Powis Square circle when he was on a spree .
3 He was short and sturdy and when he was on a horse he seemed a part of it .
4 He was completely immune to women when he was on a job .
5 Saibou had described the police action on Feb. 9 ( which occurred when he was on a visit to Guinea-Bissau ) as " a mistake " , and had set up an inquiry into the incident .
6 My mum dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief and said , ‘ Arnold Bottomley had a seizure when he was on a canal boat and it took four of us to hold him , although he had been so easy-going on other trips , especially the Greek one that I did n't go on .
7 He is perching on the railway , six stops down the line , with a stationmaster he got to know somehow when he was on the town in Petersburg — the Dostoevsky no-home at its most stripped and strange in this novel of aimless movement .
8 It also presented him with an interesting little self-discussion about his future prospects because it came when he was on the cusp between low-key acting roles and moderate fame .
9 At times this was inappropriate ( for example , when he was on the telephone , mending something or talking to a visitor ) .
10 The real power in Aquitaine , in the sense of the power to appoint men or collect and transfer money , lay , of course , with Henry — as it always did when he was on the Continent and chose to exercise it .
11 When he was on the dole they lived on £114 a fortnight .
12 In the 470s Alexander gave refuge to Themistokles when he was on the run to Persia , a tangibly anti-Athenian act .
13 When he was on the field , chairs were placed at regular intervals along each touchline so that when he made a break on the wing , he had plenty of opportunity to rest before continuing his blistering run .
14 He posed the question whether the disadvantage of a judge speaking on matters which in one form or another — such as unfair dismissal from employment or from a trade union — might well come before him when he was on the bench was outweighed by the advantage of hearing his views or by the argument that he should not be prevented , by convention or otherwise , from speaking in Parliament on such a matter .
15 Then , when he could take it no more , when he was on the edge of the precipice , but knew he was ready before her , he pulled back .
16 When he was at Croisset , he dreamed of the hot sand and the shimmering Nile ; when he was on the Nile , he dreamed of damp fogs and shimmering Croisset .
17 NED KELLY , the dirtiest comic this side of the ozone layer , never swore once when he was on the phone the other day .
18 when he was on the housing erm
19 when he was on the earth , he cured that
20 Mind you , erm , I have n't been conscious about him at all , even when he was on the first of all .
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