Example sentences of "see to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Children are seen to be innocent of life 's problems and should somehow not have to face all the difficulties of death .
2 Something which is seen to be efficient at the moment may not be efficient if the future is taken into consideration — and the other way round .
3 Partly because of this distinction in favour of processions at common law , it was seen to be necessary for the police to be given statutory powers to control potentially disruptive processions ( but not meetings ) in the Public Order Act 1936 .
4 Clearly a more concerted approach is seen to be necessary in order to secure property from potential consigners .
5 Rural clients ' problems can therefore be seen to be similar to their city counterparts , but the rural advisers ' problems are different .
6 I think at that age one is very concerned to be seen to be similar to one 's peers and hence not to be singled out for differential treatment .
7 Substituting into the right-hand side of ( 8–47 ) , and using ( 8–49 ) and ( 8–50 ) , it may be seen to be proportional to .
8 Otherwise the general structure is readily seen to be reminiscent of DC .
9 A joint scholarship funded by the artist 's widow Pilar and by Sotheby 's worth Pta10 million will be awarded to artists and students whose work is seen to be close to that of Miró .
10 A circulation plan that interrupted movement through the imposition of frequent detours and culs-de-sac was seen to be stressful for drivers and likely to lead to detours through neighbouring streets .
11 But he maintained that the trust had to be seen to be separate from the health authority .
12 The latter was only possible if the state was seen to be separate from direct control by capital .
13 It is also considered indecent for couples to be seen to be intimate in public because sex should be a private affair , only between man and wife .
14 If the centre parties were seen to be self-interested in blocking the formation of a government through their insistence on a deal to introduce electoral reform then this could reflect badly on them in the election so cutting back their seats — and the prospect for proportional representation .
15 Thus the difference in the polarization of the approaching waves in this situation can be seen to be equivalent to the rotational parameter in the Kerr solution .
16 Making use of equations ( 8.36 ) and ( 8.37 ) , the simplifying condition on can be seen to be equivalent to which in practice simply means that the coil providing impedance must have a high Q-factor .
17 The difference caused by the placement of the tone-unit boundary is seen to be equivalent to giving two different paraphrases of the sentences , as in : a ) A profit was made by those who sold quickly .
18 The logic factor can be seen to be bimodal in this part of its range .
19 Research shows that a high profile group which is seen to be effective in its campaigning at both national and local levels , draws people to itself .
20 In that event science must be seen to be relevant to the issues which concern them .
21 Perhaps this attitude of ‘ cooling it ’ , ‘ turning off ’ , ‘ keeping his head down ’ , ‘ disengaging ’ on the part of the failing student is a special case of what Roy Cox ( 1967 ) had in mind when he said : ‘ It is clear that where students are assessed in a way which is not seen to be relevant to what they are aiming at they will tend to distort and degrade the assessment so that it does not become a source of esteem . ’
22 Most important of all , family allowances were seen to be relevant to the government 's economic policy .
23 Throughout the early reports there is a constant emphasis on the level and content of the work , in an obvious attempt to stress that adults in ‘ deprived ’ areas are capable of undertaking sustained , demanding education if it is seen to be relevant to their needs .
24 Understandably , I was quite staggered and overjoyed to find , in the West Riding , very many primary schools where the creative energies of children were demonstrably seen to be central to their experience and learning .
25 The collation of this information and its subsequent analysis is seen to be central to the procedures within the unit .
26 The emancipation of the poor and oppressed is thus made part of a civilizing process , which is often seen to be conditional on assimilating their demands to the discourses of humanism and rationalism .
27 Similarly , any leading capitalist country which wishes to exert hegemonic influence over the other capitalist economies must be seen to be capable of defending those political and strategic interests which its economic supremacy has given it .
28 Traditional views of family life are seen to be unsupported by research findings , but research can assist the identification and development of policies and good practice which can help children at risk and in need to become good parents in their turn .
29 Eckmire , anxious to be seen to be supportive of the departing champion , added : ‘ Our sponsorship position has always assumed that Nigel would be driving for Williams next year and we echo the British public 's sentiments . ’
30 In between are the ‘ fair ’ judges , whose judgement is seen to be unaffected by mood or the time of the day , and whose punishment fits the crime .
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