Example sentences of "see that [pron] [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 The young paratrooper turned to look at me , his eyes alarmed , as if he expected somehow to see that his buddies had caught him in a moment of vulnerability .
2 I stuffed the sack down out of sight , and straightened , to see that my search had brought me above a cleft in the moorland through which a glimpse of the western machair could be seen .
3 Since so many of us had made love to either O or to Boy we felt that by comparing notes we knew a great deal about how they behaved when making love , and so when we saw them reappear so obviously as lovers we were pleased to see that our predictions had been correct .
4 But I can see that their motorboat has been damaged . ’
5 She could see that her hair had grown by perhaps half an inch .
6 ‘ I have got ambition , ’ Hari said quickly , her cheeks suddenly flushed and Emily could see that her words had stung .
7 She could see that her remark had hit home .
8 You could see that his hair had been cut .
9 The living-room door was open , and he could see that his duvet had migrated mysteriously from the bed to the armchair .
10 ‘ I can see that your uncle has been talking to you about us , ’ Sophie said drily , ‘ but you do n't understand .
11 I could see that my character had not improved since I had heard about my expectations .
12 You could see that my attack had taken him completely by surprise .
13 ‘ I do n't see that my beard has anything to do with it , ’ his honey voice huffled .
14 She saw that its heat had completely dried up the wet streaks of the map drawn by the stranger 's finger .
15 Then he saw that its nose had sunk a couple of degrees , and it was gradually pulling away .
16 When his Rajputs saw that their leader had fallen , they began to give way .
17 ‘ It was n't like that ! ’ she attempted to argue , but instantly saw that her remark had n't gone down well .
18 To her dismay Shiona saw that her aim had been off .
19 The bleak little idea diluted self-disgust , but then Maria saw that her explanation had n't caused his expression to soften .
20 But just when I was feeling at home in the loin-cloth and boot polish , and when I 'd learned my lines before anyone else and was getting as competent as a little orangutan on the scaffolding , I saw that our conflicts had n't ended .
21 Then he saw that his exit had begun to narrow .
22 Bower-bird saw that his chance had come .
23 Rostov saw that his hair had been drawn back into a neat queue which had been tied with ribbon then folded decoratively forward across the top of his head .
24 She looked quickly at Nicolo and saw that his smile had fled , too .
25 As she stopped a few feet away from them she saw that his cap had been knocked some distance from where he lay and the force of the blow , which had thrown him through the air , had dislodged his fountain pen from his pocket .
26 His lashes quivered but did n't lift , and she saw that his lips had parted to reveal his teeth .
27 No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he glanced anxiously about , his unattractive features relaxing when he saw that his words had fallen only on his stepson 's ears .
28 She looked at Rourke , and saw that his eyes had narrowed on her , glimmering faintly .
29 I thought of life as the Whirlpool of Corrievrikin , where all men struggle helplessly and eventually are sucked into the vortex of death I see that we men have nothing that we can do in this whirlpool except find another creature that will share the hopelessness .
30 SEE that your child has everything for ski school : lift pass , ski school tickets , boots , skis , poles and money for a hot drink .
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