Example sentences of "see [pn reflx] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Party members and SA men , who in 1933 had seen themselves as posing a radical , populist alternative to the conservative Reichswehr , now took a back seat and simply provided the setting for the triumphant reception of young officers of the Wehrmacht , heroes home on leave from the Front recounting tales of stirring deeds which had earned them the Ritterkreuz .
2 The problem for the Free Presbyterians is that the fraternal orders have always seen themselves as linking the broad Protestant religious tradition with the main unionist party , hence the common arrangement of Orange Lodges holding their annual church parades at each of the Church of Ireland , Presbyterian , and Methodist churches in turn .
3 He sees himself as having an intuitive , feminine aspect .
4 The DPP , which wants an independent Taiwan and unlike the KMT harbours no dreams about the mainland , sees itself as representing the majority of the Taiwanese , who were on the island long before the mainland influx of the late 1940s .
5 " I did n't see myself as bossing the Africans .
6 Do they see their job as offering a service to children or do they see themselves as doing the children a favour by serving them ?
7 Matisse saw himself as occupying a similar transitional role to Giotto , but it is , in a way , Giotto 's role turned around .
8 It was clear that the Government now saw itself as taking a greater part in determining TBC policies , and this was confirmed by the addition of an External Service to the TBC 's responsibilities .
9 Britain in the 1940s and 1950s saw itself as having a major power ( primarily military ) space programme .
10 The models of teaching it commended were expected to be influential , and the Authority saw itself as having a duty to provide a clear lead on the direction and character of primary classroom practice .
11 She saw herself as providing the political resolution that had been lacking hitherto .
12 It was encouraging that the wives saw themselves as having an increasing role to play and it was equally encouraging that in many cases they saw training courses as the best way of acquiring new skills and knowledge .
13 But the chances are , too , that if at the beginning you saw yourself as writing a crime novel and no more , then you will have spoilt the novel you eventually turned out to have produced , as well as causing in a good many of your readers a subtle feeling of disappointment .
14 It is a collection of individuals sharing some common purpose under a common leader , and seeing themselves as having a common identity .
15 The bishops , conceiving of themselves as a body supported by the Holy Spirit in their proclamation of morality and seeing themselves as following the equally and divinely guided line laid down by Pope John-Paul II , were assuming that the opposition to state legislation permitting divorce was of a similar standing and status to the Christian belief that Christian marriage was forever .
16 Thus , the planners tend to see themselves as pursuing a policy which is , in terms of Central Government legislation , good professional and local government practice .
17 As such they are in a position to see themselves as running a business and may adopt the whole gambit of business techniques when addressing their organisational problems .
18 Young women artists today are beginning to see themselves as having a legacy , a past , a history .
19 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
20 Do people who buy privatization stock see themselves as establishing a stake in the economy ?
21 These adopters often see themselves as helping the ‘ poor blacks ’ with the fantasy or rescue mission born out of collective guilt .
22 They see themselves as occupying a position at the bottom of an organization which places a heavy emphasis on hierarchy , making their location all the worse .
23 The clash of symbols represented by Dixon and Rambo represents a more fundamental conflict between those policemen and women who emphasize their role in terms of crime-fighting , especially ‘ big crime ’ , and those who see themselves as having a public service and community welfare role .
24 There are two sorts of contact with the public , and how those neighbourhood police who see themselves as having a service role attempt to engender friendly and informal relations depends upon the type of contact .
25 But this type of contact also demonstrates that the neighbourhood police see themselves as having a welfare function .
26 In democratic states , and even in those which see themselves as having a so-called information society ( even we define it as a society which offers increased access to information ) , some forms of censorship will be as much a part of the fabric of society as in a despotic state .
27 Do all your people see themselves as having a selling role ?
28 Headmasters , senators , judges , priests all see themselves as having a particular duty in this regard .
29 The reason for this difference is that businesses see themselves as having a pool of resources which can be used in any aspect of their business to achieve their overall objective , e.g. to achieve a satisfactory return on capital .
30 You find people in places like New Zealand perhaps four generations away from Scotland who still see themselves as having a very important Scottish heritage .
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