Example sentences of "see [Wh adv] [pron] was going " in BNC.

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1 The only trouble was , she just could n't see how she was going to manage it .
2 I did n't see how I was going to live with the memory of him as it was ; I thought there must be something we could do , just something ; even one friendly lunch together might help .
3 Dad had been right ; it was foggy and getting thicker so I had to slow down because I could n't see where I was going .
4 One advantage of the appalling route was that it offered no temptation to diverge from it — since I could not see where I was going anyway , the only thing to do was to follow the compass , and I had waded ditches as I came to them instead of attempting to find easier crossing places .
5 She could see where she was going .
6 As Clare staggered , her arms dropped and her banner wrapped around her head : she could not see where she was going .
7 Oliver could hardly see where he was going , but the Dodger seemed to know the way , and helped Oliver up .
8 He did not gel with Chapman , and was never going to be a direct replacement , so I could n't see where he was going to fit in long-term .
9 ‘ He said he was walking along the middle line so he could see where he was going , ’ said Mr Wellens , of Blue Ridge , Morton-on-Swale .
10 With the torch balanced on the box he could see where he was going .
11 The distracted car driver who arrives at her destination without mishap ipso facto saw where she was going .
12 He just , on occasion , looked over to see how she was going , and then rode on .
13 And all the old crowd returned They 'd often come past the shop to see when it was going to open up again .
14 And I felt I could n't design rational experiments without having some type of criteria to judge the results against ; otherwise I would n't be able to see where I was going .
15 ‘ Barry , excuse me for asking this , but why would n't I want to see where I was going ? ’
16 She only had to have the usual amount of arms and legs and to be able to see where she was going .
17 Squinting her eyes , because the contrast from bright day to the deep shadow in the barn made it difficult to see where she was going , and wary of stumbling and falling over , she grabbed at the doorframe , and shot out her foot to trip him up .
18 She reversed in a reckless sweep , scraping the Range Rover with a hideous scream of metal , then tore off down the hairpin bends of the drive , blinking away tears furiously to see where she was going .
19 Defeated in his climb , he had been descending , heading for the window , hoping he could hammer on it and attract someone 's attention , but ice and spindrift made it impossible to see where he was going ; and now he was trapped .
20 Fortunately most of the corridors were bright enough and only in a few of the darker , damper ones did he need his torch to see where he was going .
21 It swirled thickly , making it impossible to see where he was going .
22 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
23 I started it basically on my own initiative and I said that for six months I would use it on people that I was going to sentence just to maintain a one judge control over the project and see how it was going .
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