Example sentences of "see [noun sg] [adv] as a " in BNC.

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1 We stop seeing prayer merely as a means of asking for things from God — important though that is .
2 The very title , Learning through Drama , pointed many teachers who had seen drama merely as a diversion offered in the name of self-awareness in a more positive direction .
3 A pluralist perspective sees conflict essentially as a temporary breakdown in job regulation , which means that the emphasis is very much on the resolution of disputes in collective bargaining .
4 Do you see leadership primarily as a relationship skill or the exercise of authority ?
5 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks among the warring Unix camps , which appear to be being sponsored by Unix International Inc , says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp with Windows NT , the initiative still lacks the compulsion that galvanised the part of the industry — led by those that saw Unix primarily as a threat — to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
6 Most late nineteenth-century feminists saw feminism primarily as a movement for moral reform , which would of necessity bring in its wake desirable political and social change .
7 Of far greater significance for the inter-war period were those who saw fascism mainly as a positive force which would create a new society deriving directly from the war experience .
8 The Silmarillion by contrast seems to be trying to persuade us to see death potentially as a gift or reward — an attitude to which other authors in this sceptical age have felt drawn .
9 And the ones who see life purely as a battle between men and women — which , of course , it is , I suppose , are … ’
10 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
11 There are a number of small-scale studies by researchers , such as Beatrix Campbell ( 1984 ) and Paul Willis ( 1984 ) , that suggest that at least some young unemployed teenage girls see childbearing both as a method of obtaining fulfilment and a purpose to life since the usual source , that of paid work , is not available to them , and also as the only means of obtaining a home of their own .
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