Example sentences of "one [prep] they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Neither of the lecturers concerned was willing to agree to a change at this late date ; when one of them finally gave in , the alternative proposed by the unpopular head of department was a slot already occupied by one of Andrew 's lectures .
2 One of them admittedly retains a glazed , half-shut look , but the other , propped open behind his monocle , continues to observe the world with bulbous attention .
3 One of them nearly got Rodo when we first arrived here . ’
4 One of them reportedly calls for two months severance plus a month for every year worked .
5 One of them immediately returned home , never to set foot in the tropics again — while the other , Werner Meyer , the only white doctor left on the island , stayed on to become the director of Makassar 's hospital .
6 One of them even slept in the same room as her , but heard nothing .
7 They were the ones nipping in and out of the general ruck , tapping ankles , trying to spray-paint out the windows and one of them even trying to set fire to a bunch of leaflets stuffed through Naamen 's letter-box .
8 One of them even took off to perch indignantly on a rooftop a good sixty yards away .
9 Finally one of them clearly pronounced , ‘ It is that , so !
10 One of them clearly remembered listening to George Robey .
11 Eventually , one of them tactfully suggested to Philip V that the perpetual alliance should simply be sworn , and also a mutual oath not to harbour enemies or those banished from either kingdom .
12 One of them just missed the teacher 's head .
13 When Jim Courier and Andre Agassi roomed together at Nick Bolletieri 's tennis academy in Florida , one of them just had to leave the door ajar .
14 One man was outside , two were sitting inside , the men were completely black , so black trousers , black hats and they had a black cape over it , over their faces so you could n't see who they were , and one of them just had this gun in his hand , and fired at this Citroen here located .
15 Yeah so when people are saying , Well simple harmonic motion or erm you know throwing a stone up and down that sort of thing roughly is n't it sort of one of them goes up and down a lot like that one of them just goes up once and down same equation .
16 One of them discreetly asks how the other 's business is doing .
17 There was police intervention almost immediately ; an NILP loudspeaker van , which was making announcements , was stopped and its three occupants were taken to Victoria RUC station where , one of them later told the Belfast Telegraph , they were charged with incitement to defy the ban on the march .
18 One of them simply lifted her skirt , lay on the floor , and had a handjob .
19 If it 's hits you want , you got ‘ em , loads of them , every one of them perfectly performed from ‘ Song For Whoever ’ , ‘ You Keep It All In ’ to ‘ A Little Time ’ .
20 One of them recently ran out of petrol and had to do a 45-mile round trip for fuel when its total allocation for the whole shift was only 28 miles .
21 However , the initial response was extremely low-key , with some states not even mentioning the invasion and not one of them directly criticizing Iraq .
22 The Social Democratic Party won seven seats , only one of them directly elected .
23 One of them always got the better shots .
24 A big erm , funnily enough , although three of the other chaps that were involved in , erm , one of them really upset me cos they run up together , he was navigator on together .
25 One of them sometimes had an apple to pass .
26 One of them still had two or three mouthfuls of wine in it .
27 The nightmare vision is : down to three or four , with one of them still held by Sir Nicholas Fairbairn — try staffing the Scottish Office with that .
28 Trent considered showing one of them how to keep the bows of the Zodiac to the wind in case he had to cast them off but Louis was beside him .
29 Now , erm , the situation there was that my vicar came to see me and , erm , what happened was that we 've got three churches well luckily , one of them only has about twelve in it another has eighty and another sixty and he said well what did he do about Rushdie ?
30 She had seen him surrounded by people shouting and screaming , ‘ Go on , my son ’ , not one of them down to lose or win as much as Jack , and he 'd just stand there like a beautiful , pale statue .
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