Example sentences of "one [prep] [pron] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 I 've got a small networking job which needs doing quickly in Dr Pankhurst 's room — basically it 's to network in two additional PCs , one of which already has a network card .
2 Steps in the south-east corner of the Central Court led down into a well which was used , at least in the temple 's final days , for offerings : there were many small clay vases , one of which still had olives in it when excavated .
3 When Jim Courier and Andre Agassi roomed together at Nick Bolletieri 's tennis academy in Florida , one of them just had to leave the door ajar .
4 One man was outside , two were sitting inside , the men were completely black , so black trousers , black hats and they had a black cape over it , over their faces so you could n't see who they were , and one of them just had this gun in his hand , and fired at this Citroen here located .
5 One of them sometimes had an apple to pass .
6 One of them still had two or three mouthfuls of wine in it .
7 Now , erm , the situation there was that my vicar came to see me and , erm , what happened was that we 've got three churches well luckily , one of them only has about twelve in it another has eighty and another sixty and he said well what did he do about Rushdie ?
8 No I 've still got one of them left have n't touched the coal since .
9 I 'm aware that we are in very subjective territory here and I have already confessed where my own preferences lie , but I 'm not alone in my opinion that the 80R 's channel two falls short of the mark , because every one of us here has come away with the same opinion .
10 One of us just had a lucky escape , ’ she said , turning abruptly so that he would n't see the smile on her face .
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