Example sentences of "one [noun sg] [adj] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 you only have one level five for all
2 Nor is one drug effective against all types of pain .
3 Emerson 's essay on ‘ history ’ begins , ‘ There is one mind common to all individual men ’ , whereas Eliot 's anthropological reading had taught him to be wary of the nineteenth-century assumption of what was ‘ in the words of M. Lévy-Bruhl , the uniformity of mind ’ .
4 We felt , however , that the accuracy of the new system , the flexibility of use that the extended range afforded and the improved refit and maintenance arrangements all meant that it would be easier to have at least one boat available at all times , although we were to have only three .
5 Right : A tropical chiggoe flea that has burrowed into the sole of a foot , gorged itself , laid eggs and been squeezed out , having grown from less than one millimetre wide to more than a centimetre .
6 Now , you remember the really big puzzle on there , the imaginary bit goes there , and minus seven of something along the route bit and minus twenty four of them , so I 'm going minus seven six hundred and twenty fifths there , minus twenty four , seven , so the actual lines go like that , so the one point nine at that angle , so the actual is going to be which is two sixty one point nine .
7 One tube suitable for this purpose is Polarite-daylight type , 40w ( Thorn-EMI ) .
8 The second consisted of one presentation each of all possible pairings of the digits 0 to 9 , including reverses ( eg 1+9 and 9+1 ) and ties ( 100 sums in all ) .
9 This means that rather than having one person responsible for all the funds — UK , Europe , Far East and so on — the different geographical locations are split up and allocated to managers specialising in that area .
10 he should have known or whoever organized the fair should have known so really it does n't work unless you make one person responsible for that job .
11 He sends his work to a tiny literary magazine and hopes that one day one of this screenplays might be published .
12 The rings she and her school investigated , in one sense dual to those of Artin mentioned above , are now called , naturally enough , Noetherian rings .
13 But with perestroika — or ‘ reconstruction ’ — Gorbatchev and his team are proposing ‘ to make one rouble equal for all ’ .
14 One program new to this version is ViVerify which offers some of the most sophisticated checksumming to be seen in the anti-virus market .
15 There is no one answer applicable to all schools , but systematic analysis in each institution may sometimes yield answers helpful to overall planning of accommodation allocation .
16 A quality , indeed , in the custom of language , does not admit of individuality : it is supposed to be one thing common to many ; which , being explained , means that it is the name of a resemblance among our sensations , and not a name of the individual sensations which resemble .
17 Well there 's only one thing wrong with that interpretation of the text .
18 Only one thing wrong with this programme — too many unexplained allusions .
19 If the earth were in orbit , it would surely be possible to detect stellar parallax — a change in the perceived position of one star relative to another as a consequence of the earth 's motion through space .
20 There are only two juristic texts and one letter basic to this discussion .
21 One element common to all forms of the offence is that the forbidden conduct must take place when the policeman is acting ‘ in the execution of his duty , ’ which raises the questions ; what duties are imposed upon a policeman , and how do they come to be imposed for these purposes ?
22 The remedy is a compromise in which activity in one sub-system such as that which incorporates work is studied but in the context of sensitivity to external influences .
23 One year prior to this she consulted me because of night sweats and oedema .
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