Example sentences of "one [prep] [pron] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These were two ex-marines , one of whom had led the trek the previous year and who answered endless questions .
2 At that time there were two justices in court , one of whom had indicated that he was unable to sit beyond 4.15 p.m .
3 Two patients were taking antihypertensive drugs ( one captopril and frusemide and the other methyldopa ) , one of whom had impaired renal function and had required laser therapy for retinopathy .
4 Inevitably , men pushed together for long periods of time became edgy and , by the time the prison was freed from the grip of the snow , three men had been knifed ( one of whom had lost a kidney ) and another had been beaten severely with a pool cue .
5 He had chased two men , one of whom had stabbed his friend Tom Cole , 20 , who was not seriously hurt .
6 He had chased two men , one of whom had stabbed his friend Tom Cole , 20 , who was not seriously hurt .
7 Twelve patients with ulcerative colitis ( eight pancolitis and four left sided colitis ; age 22–70 years ; five were on sulphasalazine and two on prednisolone 10 and 30 mg ) and 15 patients with Crohn 's disease ( one of whom had undergone ileal resection ) ( six ileal and pancolitis , one left sided colitis , six ileal and two small intestinal ; age 18–70 years ; 13 were on no treatment , one on 10 mg prednisolone and one on sulphasalazine ) were studied .
8 Although this section of the wall was under constant surveillance by two warders , one of whom had to patrol the perimeter wall on foot taking about eight minutes , Blake was able to reach the foot of the wall unobserved where he found Bourke 's ladder , with which he made his escape , hanging over the wall .
9 Nassim still kept his eyes on the lads in the bathroom , one of whom had produced a seven-pound hammer from his tool-bag , but reached for his wallet pocket and produced a broken-spined red leather diary .
10 Scottish ancestors , one of whom had married a Cree , ( who was , of course , never mentioned by any member of the family ) , had given her a physical and mental toughness which enabled her to fight methodically for anything she wanted badly .
11 Joshua , who had had a series of secretaries , one of whom had married John Biffen , said that he did .
12 The elderly Miss Drages , one of whom had sketched Mr Dickens , sat next to a gentleman who remembered Dickens chatting about the unhappy marriages of actors .
13 The two of them were merely a couple of outstanding lady tennis players , one of whom had won Wimbledon .
14 One of whom had bit his arse .
15 At first the explosions were thought to have been caused by a gas leak , but gradually the police were able to piece together evidence linking the disaster to the Weathermen , one of whom had attached a wire to the wrong terminal .
16 He reflected on the options which had been open to him , one of which had led to his downfall .
17 The Nairobi weekly publication Development Agenda was banned in August 1989 after publishing only two issues , one of which had examined the politics of the Western province and the career of Livestock Development Minister Elijah W. Mwangale .
18 It was reported on March 13 that a Bulgarian seaman had died in hospital following an incident in which two Bulgarian patrol boats had fired at eight Turkish fishing boats , one of which had responded by ramming a Bulgarian boat .
19 . I remember one thing , talking about things falling out and one of We had to go and pick up erm er er There was a great business you know about these er what are they called these these games .
20 It makes little difference in any case , one of them had said to him once .
21 She wished he would stop talking , because something one of them had said had stirred the memory of a puzzling moment .
22 At first they had sat directly opposite him , but as the train travelled through the subterranean tunnel one of them had moved three seats to his left .
23 One of them had broken away and appeared to be attempting to struggle upwind .
24 One of them had had a recent bypass , heart bypass operation .
25 One of them had called her ‘ a rude old sod ’ .
26 Indeed , if any one of them had killed a cat , even in these special circumstances , he would have been put to death for it .
27 ‘ Not unless one of them had asked me for a spare key — and no-one did . ’
28 ‘ Have you tried dusting a brick wall for prints ? ’ one of them had asked Dawson earlier .
29 The Speech Institute group was similar and perhaps a rival to the band directed by Miss Elsie Fogarty , who had done the choruses in Murder in the Cathedral , and I believe that one of them had asked me what were the chances of taking part in its successor .
30 It was the first time any one of them had asked her reasons for wanting to come across and see the New Year in , and she answered , ‘ Some men 's do , I suppose . ’
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