Example sentences of "out and [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Most hate me night , when I 've been out and somebody said you have evening , go and see somebody in evening and then I go , do n't mind in day time come back
2 I could hear them pulling drawers out and they said they 'd go .
3 er and Sharon never alt er cancelled that , well they come out and they said they 'd had Chinese flu so when I went into and had me chest done , I says I 've got the flu like , she says yeah she said I says I , I know , I said they 've got that Chinese flu she 's be
4 What it turned out to be was a lump of clay that I 'd moulded into what looked like a piece of black and wrapped up in silver paper just fooling about and they really freaked out and they kicked me out and had the police involved and everything .
5 She came out and they lay her on my stomach .
6 The route was wet , holds had to be dug out and they thought it Severe — the same grade Hargreaves and MacPhee had given their ascent of Deer Bield Crack ( one of the Lakeland 's hardest climbs at that time ) the previous year .
7 Corbett left the tavern elated with what he had found out and they continued their journey to the outskirts of Oxford .
8 Finally my luck ran out and they caught me .
9 But the news leaked out and they decided they could n't wait .
10 Traffic began to peter out and they found themselves in the middle of extensive minefields .
11 Suddenly the headlights of the Glory went out and they found themselves sitting in pitch darkness .
12 My mum and I voted my dad out and we said we 'll have a record player .
13 So off we went out and we played our football , and I came back , and we were sneaking in through the back door and bumped right into him .
14 I have n't , you know I have n't dared shown John 's mum , but with Michael 's birthday we got a video camera out and we videoed her talking , but I 'm not
15 He rose and staggered out and we followed him into a stinking alleyway a short distance from the tavern .
16 He wrote : " I at last scarce ever went out and nothing occupied my thought but how to escape from this bloody country . "
17 Can I just sa , I mean Colin used to do the homework timetable for every year , dish it out and everybody ignored it !
18 ‘ After eight minutes this one was easy to wash out and it left my hair feeling silky but not greasy .
19 for an insulation company and we were on a Government funding and money ran out and it took us up to Christmas really and after Christmas we were out of work for four months
20 It claimed Elton John was hooked on eating food and spitting it out and it claimed he told guests at a Los Angeles party , I 'm on the do n't swallow and get thin diet .
21 you know there was I 've got a policy er here that I can take out and you took it and then that was it and you spent the rest of the time talking about this one policy whereas , because you 'd been thinking about that one , there may have been others that you may have been able to disturb her about or erm you know if she had other member of the family or education , whatever , there was , there was other areas that maybe you could 've brought up or gone back to anyway .
22 We thank you that you sought us out and you demonstrated your great love for us , and you reached out and rescued us saved us .
23 to send out and I sent it out to all the users
24 My master wandered out and I unpacked my belongings , washed , changed and went down to the sumptuous banquet Santerre 's cooks had prepared for us .
25 Cos I got them out and I thought I must take them downstairs and give them to Maggie for her to give them to Gary .
26 Well I was going to put mine out and I thought it 's too wet .
27 Then the woman took a paper bag out and I thought she had some sweets and might give one to me .
28 And then I thought oh that 's Clayton coming in as well and then I thought no it is n't , he 's going out and I heard him go out .
29 I can only just make it out and I wrote it No charge for the free eye sight test .
30 ‘ Connor said he would climb out and I told him not to be stupid , ’ she said .
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