Example sentences of "out [coord] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Soon the whole side of the basket was smashed and he was able to wriggle out and away to the side of the shower room , out of the icy water , gasping with relief through streams of mucus .
2 Soon Downes had reached the last carriage , in front of the diesel locomotive , staring quickly through the windows of the compartment as the few doors still remaining open were banged shut and a whistle blew , and with a slight chug and then with a mighty heave the long , north-bound train began slowly to move forward , gradually picking up a little speed , before moving out and away along the curving stretch of line that led to Banbury .
3 For a moment she had lain stunned , then had vowed to herself she would be out and away by the next morning .
4 Sunrooms , verandahs and summer-houses give children a feeling of going out and away from the classroom , even in inclement weather .
5 This is a course of man made permanent jumps and they are spread out and not in a ring .
6 They must then choose their wave again to carry them out and up with the swell so they can seize the ropes dangling from the platform .
7 I scrambled noisily and gracelessly out and up into the sunlight .
8 Finally she knelt again with her head down and he stood on his toes with arms stretched out and up like a condor going for the kill .
9 There was — a gulp and a yell and the rest of the glass ( he had drunk at least some ) flew up and out and on to the sanded floor of the dining area .
10 Frank and Betty manage to get out and on to the bonnet , then he has the bright idea of removing a bag of manure from the boot .
11 On the right hand side , you come out and on to the patio , you could get them from down the garden there .
12 We trooped out and back into the changing-room where ‘ Private ’ Boyd had opened a fire door on to what ‘ Sergeant ’ Waters had called the Paddock .
13 Once I waited so long and stayed so late that I gave myself away to Syl , who had called in the usual way at the front door , to be told by my mother that I was in the summer-house and he should go and bring me out and back to the drawing-room where , like normal people , we should converse .
14 Only too happy to oblige , she slipped out and along to the kitchen for her breakfast .
15 Until recently , the Loaches usually appeared at morning feeding time and then disappeared into a large bogwood cave , which has several exits and entrances , reappearing after lights out and sometimes during the evening .
16 She 'd pick up a great lump of it and throw it over a nail and then oil her hands with spit and draw it out and out in a long skein , till it was smooth as glass … ’
17 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
18 This agreed , Christine and Mary ran out and down to the bottom of the long garden where the apple-tree stood .
19 My father rushed to the window , looked out and down into the garden , then shouted and ran out of the room , leaving Mrs Clamp goggle-eyed , alone .
20 Climbing over Felicity 's tousled bed , she shone a torch out and down on the garden .
21 By using salvaged slates , it was possible to revise the roof of the garage to a ‘ cat-slide ’ form projecting out and down from the eaves of the main rear roof-slope at a slightly shallower pitch than this surface ( Plate 10 ) .
22 ‘ She should n't be out and about for the rest of the year in my view . ’
23 The insects are out and about for the same reason as us , moving at night to beat the midday heat at the very centre of the Grand Canyon .
24 Perhaps Coun Thorne-Wallis should get out and about with the pushchair a little more .
25 Mr. Keech aims to be in the community house each weekday morning but , during the rest of his 20 hours of employment each week , he will be out and about on the estate .
26 The depot and its locomotives have a high place in the Southern enthusiasts ' hearts and Boocock has brought together a collection of pictures that illustrated the life in and around the depot as well as its varied locomotive stud out and about on the system 's metals .
27 Divisional crime prevention officer David Chaplin said : ‘ The dawn patrol grew out of the realisation that by the nature of doorstep delivery , milkmen are out and about during the early hours of the morning . ’
28 Why do n't you and me go some place , see who 's out and about down the Grove ?
29 They were n't badly off because I do believe they ran a car and she would wear a lovely fox fur when she was out and about in the dale .
30 Despite all the drawbacks , I still enjoy getting out and about in the countryside whenever I can .
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