Example sentences of "out [adv] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I board the plane feeling no pain , eat the evening meal and continue with the G&T theme , land in Gatwick and make the connection via the smoking area of the bar and another gulped Gordon 's , then pass on the second offered dinner but not the accompanying booze and quietly pass out somewhere over the West Midlands , to be woken by a dishy blonde with an impudent , dimpled smile and we 're here we 've landed we 've arrived , we 're on the stand at the airport and I 'd ask her what she 's doing later because I 'm drunk enough to not care when she says ‘ No ’ as she probably will , but I know I 'm too tired and besides my left eyelid 's stuck again and I suspect it makes me look a bit like Quasimodo , so I do n't say anything except , ‘ Uh , thanks , ’ which is cool or sad , I 'm not sure which .
2 They have discovered that problems that they thought had to be brought in person to a bureau , can in fact be carried out successfully over the telephone .
3 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
4 Figures for 1991 reveal that this sort of tradgedy is being played out all over the south of England .
5 The power 's out all over the base , the temperature is dropping , the air 's running out and Mark 's gone .
6 A huge cast of characters — each of whom are given intermeshing chapters to narrate the US perspective on the mess and sacrifice of World War Two — is flung out all over the globe .
7 The crankcase on the Cherokee Six decided to split and squirt the oil out all over the windscreen .
8 They say that the concentrated magnetic fields in sunspots spread out all over the sun somewhat after the maximum of solar activity .
9 In the end , Hoveyda was tried by a revolutionary court and executed , but the story of the succession of prime ministers continued , with disturbances breaking out all over the country , up on the Caspian as well as in the major centres .
10 ‘ They said the programme was going to go out all over the worldbut we never saw it — we have n't got a TV , you see .
11 Her clothes were spread out all over the bed , and at first she could n't figure out what they were doing there .
12 As with Frankie , so much of the pleasure is bound up with the sense of something breaking out all over the surfaces of everyday life , and you being in on it from the start .
13 There were things sticking out all over the place on the Albini recordings but we came away with a sound we liked , ’ says the bass player .
14 Critics always say his work 's ‘ austere ’ or ‘ puritanical ’ because he likes bare raked stages and theatres with their brickwork sticking out all over the place and no props .
15 Big ideas : Sometimes the ‘ big ideas ’ of management theory become so fissile that they break out all over the place apparently independently .
16 The sense of violence and anger , together with passionate interest , spilled out all over the place .
17 All the ink was all over his shirt , it was coming out all over the place .
18 Volvo seem to be moving out all over the place .
19 or to Jesus and to confuse their language that they may not listen to one another 's language and accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth so , and that was God 's purpose for them to be er spread out all over the earth cos God knew that city life would only break down and all these centuries have passed since then and there 's urgent proof throughout the year , the cities , the cities do n't work so God had his own way , give it , the one , his way is the only one that works and thus when we pray for this king of
20 ‘ The lights are going out all over the galaxy , ’ he said softly .
21 In so far as one so young and beautiful could look morose , Irene Charial gazed out morosely over the taffrail of the Ariadne .
22 A DISPUTE broke out yesterday over the state of the River Skerne in Darlington .
23 I gazed out wildly over the crowds .
24 The belfry was ringing out cheerfully over the square .
25 Strangely the real sound rang out loudly over the pseudo-sound of the widening astral whirlpool that was forming in the middle of the great octagonal slab .
26 If you can afford it eat out modestly over the stay ; have a pub snack , for instance , on the Saturday while you are both out shopping or sightseeing , and a roast lunch on the Sunday .
27 The sun had come out fully over the abbey mills and the narrow bridge of Meole brook , and in the foregate there was bustle enough .
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