Example sentences of "out [conj] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Though I do not desire to stray into fields where others here are expert , I must point out that according to the first chapter of Genesis the world was so constituted from the beginning that good and evil were created together in it , and also that the knowledge of them existed before mankind .
2 In January 1964 , when Hegarty complained about imbalance in corporation employment , Alderman Gerald Glover , for the Unionists , was able to point out that according to the records , ninety-nine appointments out of one hundred were agreed by all members of the corporation .
3 He points out that according to the recollections of Dr Sandison , Deputy Superintendent from 1954 to 1964 , it had been difficult to fill the beds at Powick with patients admitted from the county and that admissions from such places as Birmingham , outside the catchment area , often of severely disabled people , were accepted .
4 Leaning her bike against the gate , she hopped up and over , then raced to the bridge and under it , and stood in the middle of the road holding both hands out and shouting to the van to stop .
5 Feel that your quiet , heavy limbs are almost spreading out and sinking into the floor like water that has been spilled .
6 Leave to cool slightly in the tin before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
7 Leave to cool slightly in the tin(s) before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
8 Leave to cool in the tin for 15 minutes before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
9 This puts me in mind of the last Top of The Pops I watched , a show replete with beflared , poncho 'd , kaftan 'd persons doing psychotropic ‘ dances ’ , tripping out and boogieing at the same time .
10 So , worn out and aching in every limb , she had her first bath in the marvellous bathroom , and retired to her own bed .
11 It 's just one I 'm taking out and lying on the floor .
12 I 'm gon na stop you from going out and playing in the muck !
13 The two hedgers and ditchers were flat out and snoring in the corner pew .
14 Now if we were actually to do that in our service books , which is what one of the things that the Methodist conference suggests we consider , just crossing out and putting in the correct non-sexists language , I bet you that eighty percent of our church would be up in arms .
15 hour 20 minutes in a 170°C ( 325°F/Gas Mark 3 ) oven , before turning out and cooling on a wire rack .
16 As a special mark of favour , Rainbow has brought Naomi to see the acting debut of a lesbian country-and-western heart-throb who 's branching out and sidling towards the big time .
17 It was growing dark , and she thought of sleeping on a bench or under a tree in a remote part of Regent 's Park , but she was afraid that , having spent the night out and returning in a dishevelled state , her landlady might assume the worst and not let her in again .
18 As I said , I think that this issue is of very considerable constitutional importance , because the effect of the judgment is to separate the activities of a Minister acting under his own name from those carried out while acting as a Minister of the Crown .
19 Most of the Vietnamese in Hong Kong arrive in tiny boats with barely enough space to stretch out while sleeping on the decks .
20 Heart rate measurement and breath by breath analysis of oxygen consumption ( the only exact method — compare our competitors ) are carried out whilst running on a treadmill .
21 Kurunagala and parts of the districts bordering it were singled out as suffering from an inordinate amount of cattle theft .
22 It is inevitable that tyres like that will blow out when travelling at a high speed .
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