Example sentences of "out [prep] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The latest CBI figures suggest settlements are levelling out after falling to 4.2 per cent in the final three months last year .
2 Remarks ( i ) The author would like to think that the reader got some enjoyment out of reading over that proof .
3 Personally , I get the greatest kick out of succeeding with those species which have caused me real problems like Aspidoras lakoi .
4 However , I suspect that Mains rather got some enjoyment out of appearing as some grim nemesis of the south .
5 When Alfa pulled out of racing in 1929 , Ferrari took over the racing division and moved his headquarters to his home town .
6 When Alfa pulled out of racing in 1952 , Fangio returned to Maserati but a bad accident at Monza , in which he broke his neck , put him in plaster for five months .
7 When Mercedes pulled out of racing in 1956 Moss went back to Maserati and Fangio to Lancia .
8 However , some people are more affected by nerves than others so be ready to take this into account and to give people a chance to rethink or rephrase an answer , especially if it seems out of keeping with previous answers or what you know about them from their c.v .
9 If we could get out of paying for local government , many people would be far happier .
10 We 're talking wipe out with regard to this one .
11 If serious conflict breaks out with regard to any one of these types of demand the result will be either a neurosis ( conflict between the ego and the id ) , a manic-depressive disorder ( conflict between the ego and the superego ) , or a psychosis ( conflict between the ego and reality ) .
12 It then rested when finances ran out before resuming in 1790 and reaching its intended link with the Aire and Calder and Don navigations in 1816 and thence to the Humber estuary .
13 Amendments proposed page two , line twelve , leave out from beginning to little a and insert served the Secretary of State shall by order establish .
14 The main purpose of the costings for the latter years is to identify probable peaks and troughs in the overall programme , which can be smoothed out by phasing in major projects so as to avoid clashes .
15 This can be borne out by looking at many of the resources available — often well-produced , informative and written from a sympathetic point of view but lacking depth .
16 While it is true that different assessment procedures usually focus on one or other of these different aspects of language , this is a reflection on the recent history of psycholinguistic research and ought not be taken to imply that assessment is best carried out by focusing on discrete areas .
17 The aim of the initiative is to agree a standard for 1Gbps communication over fibre optic cable between workstation and workstation , workstation and peripherals , workstation and outside services and peripheral to peripheral , starting out by working on high-speed communication between applications running on multiple workstations from more than one vendor .
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