Example sentences of "up out [prep] [art] water " in BNC.

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1 The clutching hand lifted up out of the water , the dark pit beyond the open door : all the old , despairing images passed momentarily through her troubled mind … .
2 I edged along the curtain in the upstream direction of the shut door and by hauling my way up the links at the side managed to scramble round the boathouse wall and up out of the water to roll at last onto the grassy bank .
3 Eachuinn Odhar strode splashing up out of the water to meet Lady Marion .
4 Dropped by helicopter at Fifth Reef Pipeline , he saw the mother of all waves rear up out of the water .
5 Despite the pain , he managed to push up out of the water and roll with practised efficiency over the side , and in .
6 A couple of years after coming out , I met a heterosexual woman with whom I had been particularly close before I had blasted our cosy set up out of the water .
7 Before Anabelle could learn more , however , they heard a splash in the canal and turned to see a little brown head bobbing up out of the water .
8 And we had to hoist ourselves up out of the water and then go and dance — it was dreadful .
9 Suddenly , what looked like a brown , slimy neck , about four metres long , reared up out of the water .
10 For some reason , this last little tale sends Rainbow up out of the water and into the showers .
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