Example sentences of "up and [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Individual colleges and institutes vary both according to the proportion of advanced work which they provide and also the types of courses which they offer , depending partly on the nature of the institutions which went to make them up and partly on the way in which they have developed in the past few years .
2 We had arrived from Harehills on the up and up with the booming coal industry .
3 She took the stairs at a run , up and up to the attic she slept in .
4 ‘ What if this tree gets hit by lightning ? ’ she asked , peering up and up through the twisted branches .
5 Each of them must tread on and on , a ceaseless , bone-grinding trudge , if they did not want to be taken up and up by the gyrating treadmill into the clanking , turning cogs in the roof and ground to dust between the pinions .
6 Roger led up and rightwards onto the ice and it was quickly apparent that in places the snow was lying directly over rock , with what ice there was insecurely bonded to the smooth slabs .
7 With a muffled cry of rage at her own weakness , Isabel shoved furiously at fitzAlan 's broad shoulder with one hand and brought the other up and around with the full force of her arm behind it .
8 In the morning he woke to find Amanda already up and well on the way with preparations for her day , to judge by the clattering coming from the kitchen .
9 No , it 's it 's used it 's used in situations where an abbreviation can be made , or er , er , erm , an abstract symbol can be made , but again , this this was used normally in print , even in printing of novels and sermons and erm , and important documents , right up , u you know , up and well into the nineteenth century , before it was considered that that was not formal enough , and that the word and had to be written out formally Are there any words in this section which you ca n't find a modern English version of easily ?
10 He walked to the small , single window and pushed it open , gazing up and outward into the night , at the friends he could never meet .
11 The carer then holds him in the same way as if he was sitting on the side of the bed , with his head resting on her shoulder , and lifts him up and round onto the second chair .
12 To lift the patient off the bed onto a chair or commode , one carer takes up the position already described , while the other stands behind the patient on the bed and guides the patient 's seat up and round onto the chair .
13 They then interact with microwaves on their way up and again on the way down after gravity has turned them round .
14 When she looked up she could see the bees shooting up and away over the wall , and by each hive there was a continual coming and going of bees , some of whose pouches were brilliant with golden pollen .
15 From somewhere beyond the artificial horizon , the Bridge arced up and away into the darkness , the lower part of its immense length in shadow , the upper glinting with fiery reflections from Lucifer 's atmospheric corona .
16 But the fire in them burnt like a bud of blue flame , swelling , growing , until they felt it would flame into a shower of stars , reaching into the velvet darkness , the little frail wobbly lights of their bikes signalling to the lights of the travelling plane , their mounts leaping up over humps , over rises in the road , up and away into the intoxicating night .
17 Moreover , there is not so much to smell when you are flying high up and away from the scents and aromas that cling to the Earth — or even if , like man , your nose stands at a height of five or six feet , rarely bending towards the ground .
18 The second precaution is to pull each of the bridle rings up and away from the sail before positioning the cross-spar first into the centre ferrule with the spar beneath all the bridle lines It is most important that the lines which we will call ‘ B ’ and ‘ C ’ as in the drawings , are free and not in any way tangled with either the leading , edge vinyl , spine fitting or the cross-spar Otherwise the bridle setting and consequent flight performance will be sadly deformed !
19 He swam up and away from the tangle of lines and disappeared on the other side of the iceberg .
20 That bar in the illustration , had to be lifted up and over at the end of each row to deposit the stitches on to the needles — a great opportunity to drop stitches , which I did most of the time !
21 Fall down and go right on the dodgems , go up and right through the wall , go down and collect the scroll , go up and push the crate right off the platform , fall down and push the crate left off the platform , fall down and push the crate right off the platform , push it left off the next platform , then right and left twice , jump on the big wheel on your right , jump off and at the bottom of the screen go right , collect the arrow , go left and up , go right and climb up on the platforms , go left and collect the star , fly right , up and right , push the crate right off the platform , push it left onto the button , go left , down and collect the star .
22 On Creag a'Bhancair , Glen Coe , freshly graduated Doctor Grant Farquhar , with assistance from Gary Latter , climbed Up With The Sun — a line that starts next to Uncertain Emotions the heads up and right to the remaining peg on Risk Business , follows that route to its belay and then boldly climbs the arête left of Gone With The Wind crux to belay as for Carnivore .
23 I mean Tramp is gon na come up and fucking in the English dict dictionary and they 're gon na say a meaning unknown .
24 I looked up and deep into the eyes of the cafe proprietor .
25 As well as dealing with the punch , the rising block travels diagonally up and forwards into the opponent , catching him high on the attacking arm .
26 The moment the alarm clock went off Maggie was up and out of the cavity bed she slept in .
27 During filming , we even saw eggs being pushed up and out of the nest while the reed warbler host was still sitting on them .
28 Once again , Charlie scrambled up and out of the trench only yards behind .
29 She intended to pick up her cases and proceed with what she was here to do , go up and out into the street and thence to Streatham Street to find the hotel .
30 Her collection of outdoor treasures shot to the ground as in a single movement she leapt up and out between the trees .
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