Example sentences of "up at [pron] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He looked up at me after I finished and I saw that whipped dog look .
2 He looked up at me and I stared hard at him .
3 On the way I passed the rabbit I thought had escaped , lying just before the sparkling clean water of the stream ; blackened and contorted , locked into a weird , twisted crouch , its dead dry eyes staring up at me as I passed by , accusatory .
4 He looked crossly up at me as he took my horse .
5 Joshua Cohen , sitting with his wife and daughter at the back of the synagogue rather than in his usual seat near the Ark of the Law , kept glancing up at everyone as they passed him .
6 Some said they had seen the quizzical , grey-whiskered faces staring up at them as they crouched on the two boards above the refuse pit , peering at the nervous men from beside the walls of the cubicles and showing no apprehension .
7 The chair was comfortable but low and I found myself in the disconcerting position of having to look up at him while we spoke .
8 She smiled up at him while she ran her fingers lightly over his muscled shoulders and back .
9 Fran dug in her heels , glaring angrily up at him when he was forced to stop .
10 She looks all the way up at him cos she 's only
11 She looked up at him and they kissed on the lips , this time not frivolously , but full of heat and passion .
12 I looked up at him and I thought , here 's a human in a human 's room , doing human things .
13 She looked up at him and he acknowledged her presence by a brief glance , but without slackening speed he rode past her , towards the wood .
14 Jenna stood in the doorway and glared up at him and he simply took her arm and drew her into the room , closing the door firmly .
15 ‘ Yes , that is what I feared , ’ she said , glancing up at him as they reached the table .
16 My mother looked up at him as he climbed down .
17 Carrie folded her arms and stared up at him as he thumbed through the ledger and took out a grease-stained sheet of paper .
18 Sara was looking up at him as he said something , then she gave a long , shrill laugh , showing her perfect white teeth .
19 Alarmed , she fumbled with her right hand for her blanket , breathing erratically , staring up at him as he loomed over her .
20 She looked up at him as she spoke and he held out his hand to help her to her feet .
21 the other hand he accepted the ministrations of Rosalba with pointed gratitude , looking up at her when it was her turn to bend over him , though she did not need to bend from the waist , wand-like as her sister , but rather leaned her plump body forward to adjust some dish , brush off some crumbs with a dithery movement that suggested — again he felt a stab of pity , followed by impatience — that her own body was always in her way .
22 ‘ You did and so did I. ’ He looked up at her when she was seated on a calm grey horse .
23 Perhaps on a hundredth of those thousand times , seeing her there , it had moved him to think how in so many towns like Odborough men were looking up at her as they shut shops or walked home from mills and mines .
24 He had glanced up at her as she 'd swept into his office , dressed in a pair of slim navy trousers and a plain navy top , her working gear , and told her , ‘ Take a seat .
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