Example sentences of "when [noun prp] [noun] [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 When Ginger Rogers swept around in yards of chiffon , spangles and ostrich feathers , Audrey Hepburn looked like a walking wedding cake in My Fair Lady and Liz was practically gold-plated in Cleopatra , it was well-nigh impossible for the rest of us to copy the look .
2 Patrick started to shake his head , when Dan Brady leaned over and glared at him .
3 Others had tried the same demolition job when Ian Hislop took over at Private Eye , but the continued involvement of icons Ingrams and Cook helped him survive .
4 We were disappointed when Sheffield Wednesday turned down our bid for David Hirst so we looked at the situation again and decided that Cantona was the best .
5 Then , when King John took over the French lands which he had inherited in 1200 , he was allowed to do so only on condition that he should recognise them as being fiefs held of the king of France .
6 She was on the point of leaving again when Jim Lewis erupted back into the room .
7 STEFAN Edberg 's hopes of a third successive US Open crown came to an abrupt end when Karel Novacek pulled off a shock victory at Flushing Meadow .
8 Stewart and Olazabal came back at him over the back nine but , unlike in the Lancome Trophy when Eduardo Romero chipped in to deny him his second tour victory this year , this time the West German was not to be disappointed .
9 Mr Evans only complained once , about burnt potatoes , and when Auntie Lou came back , he said , ‘ That girl 's a better cook than you 'll ever be . ’
10 He looked up when Donna Frizzell came in through the back door , and was startled to see that her hat was awry and her makeup smudged beyond repair .
11 Saracens were never in it and when Richard West went over for a try , it was virtually all over .
12 Millions of TV viewers saw her gasp with surprise when Richard Madeley handed over the documents as a gift from ITV 's Richard and Judy Show .
13 When Richard Branson took over negotiations from Fields in March , Wilson and a team of Boeing executives and lawyers flew to Britain , installed themselves in the Carlton Towers hotel in Knightsbridge and prepared to make a killing .
14 These seating arrangements thus provided a visual reflection and reinforcement of the social divisions within the parish ; when Richard Gough set out at the end of the seventeenth century to write the history of his parish of Myddle in Shropshire , he decided that the most natural way to organize his account was to consider in turn the occupants of each pew in Myddle church .
15 They were 18–0 up and cruising when Richard Thompson touched down another push-over , but Wakefield replied with a fine try .
16 They were 18–0 up and cruising when Richard Thompson touched down another push-over , but Wakefield replied with a fine try .
17 Only two minutes left when Richard Walker popped up on the proverbial back stick , sounds painful does n't it , and it was for Portsmouth .
18 They were at the toast and marmalade stage when Mrs. Mackintosh came in to say that Sir Bryan was wanted on the telephone .
19 When Pat Arrowsmith gave out similar anti-war material to British troops , this time related to Northern Ireland , the justices before whom she appeared acquitted her because they did not think the publication to be ‘ insulting ’ .
20 One night , he recalls , he sat alone in the Commons library when David Owen passed by and returned a few moments later with David Marquand .
21 Already robbed of Robert Coles and Richard Hussey by Brabazon demands , and others through injury , he had to call up Warley 's Nathan Smith at short notice when David Salisbury dropped out .
22 When David Parkin sat back on his armchair , tossing aside a copy of the Guardian , Dexter sensed a sneaking admiration for him .
23 Eve was about to reply when Maire Carroll came by .
24 Lessons started again at nine o'clock and finished at twelve , when Miss Temple stood up to speak to the whole school .
25 I was still standing there when Miss Hinkle came in .
26 I moved my pyjamas , spare underclothes , a couple of shirts and a few other necessaries from my bungalow and stayed in the hospital bed next to Jimbo 's , snatching sleep and meals when Miss Sowerby took over .
27 Joe Spriggs frowned , dissatisfied , and was preparing to ask a good many more questions when Miss Jarman cut in :
28 However , one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry , I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said :
29 Then , not more than a week later , I was coming down the back corridor from the kitchen when Miss Kenton came out of her parlour and uttered a statement she had clearly been rehearsing ; this was something to the effect that although she felt most uncomfortable drawing my attention to errors made by my staff , she and I had to work as a team , and she hoped I would not feel inhibited to do similarly should I notice errors made by female staff .
30 Soon lobbing along behind the leaders , Llewellyn was always finding plenty of room for Party Politics and by the second Canal Turn , when Romany King moved up to join Hotplate , the race had begun to take it 's final shape .
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