Example sentences of "when [pers pn] be to [be] " in BNC.

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1 He boldly wrote to the King in defence of Anne Boleyn , who had been a friend to the Reformers , when she was to be executed on trumped-up charges .
2 But when they 're to be ground up for fish meal it makes no difference .
3 So , therefore , right from the outset the project en the lead project engineer knows which ro reports are required , how many and when they are to be provided .
4 People who have infected sores , such as boils or styes , or who have diarrhoeal conditions , should not prepare food , especially when it is to be distributed to large numbers .
5 Whether or not they are given delegated powers , sub-committees must have specific terms of reference and clearly defined tasks , so that everyone understands just what the sub-committees are to do and when it is to be done .
6 I find that the full needle welt is kinder to the mature figure ( like mine ) when it is to be followed by a tuck stitch fabric as it does not pull in so quite much as the 2x1 rib .
7 There will be a statement of the consideration , how it is to be calculated and when it is to be paid and , if applicable , provision for the preparation of completion accounts and the accounting principles to be adopted ( see section 0610 ) .
8 He clearly had strong forebodings about Wolfgang 's future in Salzburg : Archbishop Colloredo was not only less tolerant than his predecessor , but unwilling to recognize and appreciate genius , even when it was to be found on his own doorstep .
9 The edict of Chilperic I tackled a larger selection of issues , including inheritance , dowry and robbery , but above all it legislated on the whole process of bringing a slave to trial by ordeal ; when he was to be handed over to trial , and what delays might be allowed before the king 's legal officer , the graphio , and the local law-men , the rachinburgi , took action .
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