Example sentences of "when [pron] see a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Once I was driving up High Street East in Sunderland with a local priest when I saw a furniture van ahead with its ramp down .
2 I was near it when I saw a man sitting on the ground , half asleep .
3 Hall reported : ’ … when I saw a vapour trail and warned my Section Leader who manoeuvred for position , scanning the sky for enemy fighters .
4 I 'd just squawked the new transponder code when I saw a helicopter ahead at two o'clock .
5 Another eyewitness said : ‘ I was in my office when I saw a lot of women coming out of a hairdresser 's with towels over their heads .
6 He was getting more beer in when I saw a motorbike pull into the car park .
7 I was in the fruit and vegetable section waiting to weigh some potatoes on the scales when I saw a bairn of about three years old , a bonnie wee lad with fair hair and big dark blue eyes , picking apples out of the bin and shoving them into his mother 's shopping bag .
8 Three days later I was limping back from the village and was about half a mile from home when I saw a movement in the hedge .
9 When I saw a stage-play instead of a sermon on the Lord 's days … and heard little preaching but what was … against the Puritans , I was glad to be gone . ’
10 I was on my way towards the main door of the clubhouse when I saw a cluster of men who could only be journalists .
11 ‘ I was on my way down to Les Hiboux when I saw a light in the trees .
12 The officer 's evidence will probably be in the following terms : ‘ I had a good view of the zebra crossing when I saw a pedestrian step on to the crossing limits from the footpath outside the Town Hall and walk about one third of the way across the crossing when the defendant drove in front of the pedestrian etc . ’
13 When I saw a fire and capering figures , I ran down again .
14 For what it 's worth , I was a schoolboy visiting the [ Russian ] cruiser that afternoon after school , and was on the main deck looking over the side next to the quay , when I saw a diver ( with full deep-diving headgear ) being pulled beneath the surface by two frogmen .
15 The writer of an admirable article on research in the humanities published in the TLS in 1987 wrote , ‘ I believe passionately in the value of those activities we call ‘ the Humanities ' ’ , yet when I see a compilation like the British Library 's Current Research in Britain ( 1986 ) : The Humanities …
16 I always cringe when I see a lorry like that coming on the road when you ca n't see past it
17 When I see a spider 's web , I no longer see the sinister aspects that I once saw .
18 ‘ Do you know what I think when I see a lad like you ? ’
19 When I see a woman in a long , tight , pencil skirt and high heels tottering down the road , I often wonder how fast she could run if chased .
20 It is possible that the subjective sensation experienced by a female bat when she perceives a male really is , " say , bright red : the same sensation as I experience when I see a flamingo .
21 Then tape over it with duck tape , make sure it is real nice and tight then when you see a geek walking down the street give it a good throw you will have a blast .
22 What happens to you when you see a crane ?
23 So , when you see a problem , do n't ignore it — report it to CLARENCE !
24 When you see a problem take a note of what it is and where it is .
25 ‘ And when you see a child of six or seven doing your steps , you feel such a sense of achievement .
26 Okay so sometimes it helps if when you see a word you pronounce it to yourself .
27 But er then there was others sort of cheap joints you know , they just rushed things up and just a couple of just er When you see some of th You know that goodwill shop that that the thing when you when you see a lot of the things that 's supposed to be polished , you know , they 're just varnished over .
28 When you see a band 's name on our cover you know they 'll get at least a page , and usually a great deal more .
29 When you see a crime being committed in front of your eyes , what do you say ?
30 IT IS DEAD EASY when you see a quiz on television .
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